Part 15-

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I went to my room and got changed into a black pair skinny jeans and a white shirt saying 'born this way' and black high top shoes. When i finished i went downstairs "ready to go now were going to be late" shay said "yep lets go who's car" i asked "lets take shays" Kelly said and we left the house and got into shays car.
About 10 minutes later we got to molly's. We walked in "hello shay and Melia" Herman said "I'm right here you know" Kelly said then rolled his eyes and i laughed "2 beers and a soda please Herman" "no problem" he said and they went somewhere and i waited for the drink and talking to gabby cause she was working "2 beers and a soda" Herman said "thank you Herman talk to you later" "yep have fun" she said i rolled my eyes and grabbed the drinks and went over to the table were Otis,shay,Casey and Kelly were "2 beers for my lovely shay and my stupid brother Kelly" i said smiling "really" "yep" i said back to Kelly and shay kissed my cheek and i sat down.
"MED AND PD IN THE HOUSE" Herman shouted and i was resting on the wall and Will, Jay and Erin came over "hello flame" "hello J" he kissed my cheek "hello A" "hello W" he kissed my cheek as well and i side hugged Erin "hey W how is Abby going" "she is still asleep hasn't woken up yet but ill keep you posted" i smiled "thanks W" he smiled back and went over to where med was and Erin and jay went over to pd.

I was sitting behind Amelia and she was chatting to Gabby so decided to put my hand on her back and rub it, she turned her head and smirked and went back to talking to gabby. I looked over and saw Kelly drunk i turned back to Amelia "hey love i think we should take Kelly home he going to have a hangover for work tomorrow if we don't" she turned to Kelly and turned back "yep i swear I'm always taking care of him and he is old see you tomorrow Gab" she said "see ya you two and that is true" gabby said back and we got up and we grabbed Kelly and got him to the car and but him in the back of the car and she got in the driver side and i got into the passenger side. She drove home "hey love" "mhm" "did you like when i put my hand on your back" "maybe maybe not" she said i smirked and we got home i help her get kelly out and to his room she went to her room to get changed and i went to mine. When i finished i went downstairs to the couch, Amelia came down some time after me and went to the kitchen and made coffee i got up and went to the kitchen "here you go" she passed me my coffee "thank you love" i said then i smiled we chatted for some time, some hair was in her face so i moved it and we looked each other in the eyes and we leaned in and my lips were on hers and when we let go "i love you Amelia you know that" "i love you two shay" i swear i saw her blush "Amelia will you be my girlfriend" she smiled and gave me a kiss "yes i will be" i smiled and gave her a passionate kiss "i wish i could do this all night but we have work tomorrow night babe" she said i smirked "why don't i just come into your bed for the night love" she glared at me "just a suggestion" i said then laughed and i gave her a final kiss and we went to bed.

Next morning
I woke up got into a shower, when i finished i got changed into my truck shirt and black leggings tied my hair back into a low pony but my shoes on, packed my bag and went downstairs grabbing my phone of course. When i got downstairs i saw shay up i chucked my bag onto the lounge and went over the kitchen "this is the first time that shay is up first before me and is my brother up yet" i asked her "no he isn't up and i wanted to make my love her coffee before she got up" she said i smiled and i kissed her "now to wake up grumpy" she said i smiled "kelly SEVERIDE IF YOU DON'T GET UP YOUR DRIVING YOURSELF TO WORK AND I DON'TCARE IF YOUR LATE WE LEAVE IN 5 MINUTES SO HURRY UP" i yelled shay laughed "what its true" i said than grabbing my Caesar salad out of the fridge and putting it in my bag. I looked at the time "time to go he can get himself to work" i said she nodded we grabbed our bags and were about to walk out the door "WAIT IM UP" someone yelled it was kelly "come on then" shay said i smiled and walked to my car and got in then shay got in the passages and then kelly in the back.
We arrived at the firehouse we got and walked towards the house, when we got inside "sis can you take my bag please" kelly wined at me i glared at him "nope do it yourself I ain't your slave" i said back "but you work under me and your my darling younger sister" he said back "no i work under Matt and i know I'm your darling younger sister I'm your only sister" i said back and walked to the locker room with shay behind me. We put our bags into our lockers and i was about to shut mine when i felt arms around my waist "hello babe" i said "hello love" shay said back and kissed my head "gabby you and i have laundry to do for our boys to do today lets go" i said and she groaned "well the boys aren't going to do it I don't think they can" i said and she smiled. All 3 of us walked into where the laundry is and i sat on the washing machine with shay between my legs "there something going on between you two" gabby said "nope" shay said she looked at me and i shacked my head no "don't believe you two" gabby said me and shay looked at each other and i did a face like should we tell her she nodded "fine don't tell anyone okay" shay said "okay you can trust me" gabby said i sighed "we are dating" i said i looked at gabby and her face light up "OMG" "SHUT UP gabby" i said and she shuttled up and we went back to laundry.

Ambo 61 Truck 81 Squad 3 house fire
We got up and ran to the trucks and ambo i got into my gear and got into the truck and drove off with ambo behind me.

When we got to the fire i jumped out and a lady came to me "my son my daughter are there" the lady said to me "Cruz take this lady to ambo to get check out" i said and Cruz took her to ambo i looked at Casey "only 4 people are allowed to go in everyone else stay and keep an eye on the fire" i said "Amelia Kelly Cruz and I will go in" Casey said and we nodded "mask up" i said. Everyone got their masks on and we went inside "FIRE DEPARTMENT CALL OUT" we shouted i heard a faint "here" "guys this way" i said and we went towards the voices "THERE" Cruz shouted and we looked and saw 2 kids there "Amelia grab the girl Cruz grab the boy" Casey said and they grabbed them and we went out of the house and Amelia and Cruz gave them to ambo "put it out boys" Casey said and the boys put water on it. When we finished we got back into the trucks and headed back to 81.

The little sister of Kelly Severide (ShayxOc) Where stories live. Discover now