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trigger warnings: none


when brooke got home, she set the new book beside her chair and sat down. she grabbed her glasses and picked the book up.

she looked at it.

the art of not falling apart.

it took a second to register, but then she realized

that's not her book.

she set it down and sighed, she'll have to take it back in the morning. for now, she can just sleep.


the next morning, brooke woke up and started getting ready. she did her everyday things and then grabbed her stuff to go to the book store.

she grabbed the book and walked out of her apartment building.

when she got to the shop, she quickly got out of the car and made her way into the building. she opened the door and saw niki talking to mrs. wilson.

"niki! hallelujah you're here!" brooke said, walking up to the desk and handing niki her book.

"I knew I grabbed your book by accident!" niki said with a laugh. "I must've not been paying attention, silly me."

brooke laughed as well, "it's completely fine, i'm just glad I got here in time!"

after a few minutes of talking, niki and brooke walked out of the book store together.

brooke took a deep breathe, "could I get your number?" she asked.

"yeah, of course!" niki responded with her sweet smile and gave brooke her number.

"great! now we can hang out sometime. outside of the book store." brooke said, laughing a bit at the end.

niki laughed as well, "well I have to go. it was really nice seeing you again, thank you for the book."

"of course, bye niki!" brooke responded as they both walked their separate ways.


niki walked into her apartment.

"will! where are you?" she yelled at her roommate.

"i'm here! i'm making dinner!" wilbur replied, his thick british accent echoing.

niki walked into the kitchen, immediately being swarmed by the smell of pizza.

"did you have fun at the book store?" wilbur asked.

"it's a book store will, all it is is people quietly reading books." niki chuckled.

"i'm taking that as a no?" wilbur replied, chuckling as well.

"well, I did meet this really pretty girl.." niki trailed off.

"YOU WHAT?" will yelled, stopping what he was doing. "what's her name? what does she look like? where does she live?"

"her name is brooke, she has really nice brown hair and big green eyes and I think she lives near the book shop." niki answered all of his questions. "I also have her number."

"ooooo! who asked who?" wilbur asked, clearly intrigued.

"she asked me." niki said as she began to blush.

"AAAHHHH!" wilbur squealed like a girl meeting one direction for the first time. "i'm so happy for you!"

"calm down will, I don't even know if she's into girls." niki chuckled as she watched wilbur stop dancing.

"you should ask her." wilbur said as he got back to cooking.

niki nodded as she thought about the idea. "well i'm going to stream. see ya will."

"have fun!" wilbur replied, smiling as niki walked up the stairs to her room.


"hi chat!" niki said, starting the stream. "how is everybody?"

niki started reading the chat as it flew by.

"how has my day been?" niki read a chat. "it's been great actually, I saw this really pretty girl."

the chat started going crazy as she mentioned the girl.

"I don't know if she's comfy with me sharing any information about her looks so i'm not going to describe her or anything but we met at a book shop yesterday." niki said with a smile on her face.

the chat continued to freak out as niki talked about the girl.


brooke was scrolling through twitch, trying to find someone to watch.

she stumbled upon a streamer playing minecraft parkour, by the name of nihachu. she clicked the stream, having no clue who this person was.

brooke set the phone down on the dining table as she got up to make food.

"I died!" the familiar voice yelled out in an annoyed but calm voice. she recognized the voice. it sounded like a voice she had heard just hours beforehand.

she looked behind her and went back to her phone to see who she was watching. when her eyes focused, she realized

it was niki.


authors note:


I don't like this one as much as the last one :/

also ignore that I call it a book shop, it's supposed to be a library but imma stick w book shop lmao

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