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brooke smiled at the man after signing all of the paperwork. she got into the car, putting the crates in the backseat and driving to petco to get necessities.

she walked in and grabbed some food, toys and leashes, along with a few treats. brooke went back to her car, put the bags in the back and drove home.

when she got home, she quickly brought the crates up to her apartment, unlocking the door and setting them inside and going back for the rest of her things.

she finally walked into her apartment for the last time today and opened the cages, letting her new pets out. first the dalmation, who she ended up naming ash, came running towards her.

then lola, the small grey kitten, came waddling after him. they both jumped on brooke and gave her kisses. brooke played with them for about 5 more minutes until she heard a knock at her door.

when she opened the door, niki was standing there with her usual bright smile. "hey, what are you doing here?" brooke asked as she hugged her.

"just came by to ask if-" niki said before ash started barking at her. "aww, you got a dog?!" brooke nodded with a slight laugh as she opened the door wider, allowing niki to come in.

she gasped when she saw lola as well, making her awe again. she kneeled down to pick her up, nuzzling her with the tip of her nose slightly.

after a couple minutes of niki, ash and lola hanging out, she finally stood up to finish what she was saying to brooke.

"wilbur is setting up another meetup and was wondering if you wanted to join? a newer member of the smp will join, her name is ayla." niki explained with a smile. "he also wants you over for dinner, if that's alright." she continued.

"that sounds awesome! i'm so down for dinner at your guy's and the meetup!" brooke accepted the requests, making niki break into a huge smile.

"yay! okay, he can explain the meetup situation some other time, dinner is in an hour." niki said before leaving brooke's apartment.

she got ready for dinner with niki and will. she was actually very excited, she hadn't had a meal with them in a couple weeks and she really missed it.

she hated to admit it but she was starting to miss wilbur's god awful dad jokes. she rolled her eyes as multiple of the jokes played in her head.

she grabbed her phone and said bye to lola and ash as she left for their apartment. brooke knocked on the door, waiting a minute for it to open.

will opened the door with a wide smile, allowing brooke to come in. "so what are you guys having?" brooke asked as she walked over to the kitchen.

"I was going to order pizza and we could watch a couple movies?" wilbur said, more as a question that a statement. "sounds good." brooke replied.

brooke walked over to the couch and plopped down, "where's niki?" she asked will, making him point to her room. brooke nodded and made her way to the door, slightly knocking.

"come in!" niki yelled. when brooke walked in, she saw niki sitting at her desk with her headphones on. "are you streaming?" brooke asked, niki nodding in return. "hey chat!" she continued.

niki giggled a bit, the chat filling up with people yelling about brooke.


hru brooke??


soon after the chat calmed down, niki continued to play on the server, brooke watching as she jumped around. "are you excited for lore tomorrow?" niki asked brooke, rather abruptly.

"yes! I have so many ideas for my character." brooke said with a huge smile until will walked in. "dinner's here!" he yelled.

niki said goodbye to stream, ending it and going to the kitchen for pizza. all three of them grabbed two slices of pizza along with a soda and sat on the couch.

"what movie?" will asked as he opened the movie cabinet, slightly looking at brooke and niki. "any horror movie!" brooke suggested.

"okay, nightmare on elm street?" wilbur asked, brooke's eyes widened. "yes! I love those movies!" brooke agreed as he put in the movie and sat on the couch, beside niki.

brooke, niki and will stayed up all night watching all of the nightmare on elm streets, eventually falling asleep by the 5th movie.

brooke woke up around 6am, niki and will still asleep on the couch. her eyes lingered on niki's forehead, tempted to place a kiss on it.

she slowly moved closer, kissing her forehead lightly until she heard wilbur's voice. "what are you doing brooke?" he asked with a smirk. knowing that he just witnessed that, brooke grabbed her things and left, her face as red as a tomato.

wilbur kept the smirk on his face, slightly laughing. niki woke up to the door closing, "what happened?" she asked, her morning voice just as quiet as her normal one. will looked at her, tempted to tell her about the event that just occurred.

do you think wilbur will tell niki about the kiss ??

hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and tysm for 2k reads !! that's crazy ! ^^ <3

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