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trigger warnings: none


brooke woke up and immediately got on twitter.

her mentions was full of people asking who she was and saying negative things about her.

it made her quite sad, she wasn't used to all of hate. usually her chat was very positive.

most of it was about how minx chose her over niki, and how niki deserved to win, not her.

she ignored it all, and went straight to her DMs to message dream.

what time should I join?

it took a while, but he eventually responded.

wanna join in about an hour?


i'll send you the IP and everything on discord
it's dream#2834

okay, ty!

brooke sent dream a request, him accepting it pretty quickly.

about an hour later, dream sent brooke the IP address and she joined the server.

nihachu: vc 2

niki said in chat as brooke joined the vc.

"hi!" niki said with excitement as brooke joined.

"hello!" brooke said in response, a huge smile on her face.

"here, i'll come get you and then show you around. are there walls around you?" niki asked as brooke looked around.

"um, yeah." brooke said, making her character look around.

"okay, i'll be there in a second." niki said as she walked to brooke.

after about a minute, niki's character showed up in front of brooke's.

"oh, hello there." brooke said with a chuckle.

"follow me!" niki said as she walked away, expecting brooke to follow.

brooke followed niki around the server, looking at all the cool buildings and talking about the history.

"should I introduce you to the rest of the members?" niki asked brooke, she nodded in response.

"sure!" brooke said.

nihachu: anyone vc 2?

niki said in chat once again, making a couple people join the call.

"hi guys!" niki said as everyone joined, everyone saying hello back.

"who's this?" quackity asked as he made his character go up to brooke's and crouch.

"this is brooke, she's new to the smp." niki introduced her.

"hello!" brooke said.

everyone said hi before asking questions.

"how did you get an invite?" ranboo asked politely, in curiosity.

"I was streaming with niki and dream just messaged me out of nowhere." brooke explained.

"that's awesome!" puffy exclaimed.

"yeah! you're going to love it on this server!" tommy said as well.

apparently tommy was the really hyper one, but he was being very nice and calm.

"I heard you live near wilbur? we should meet up sometime!" tommy offered.

"that would be awesome!" brooke said, taking up the offer.

"do you think you're going to participate in any of the lore?" ayla asked.

"maybe, i'll have to ask dream." brooke said. "that would be really cool though."

brooke and everyone continued talking for another hour or two. she felt really safe when she was talking to them, really welcomed.


soon enough, it was time for them all to leave. they said their goodbyes and ended the call before getting in their beds.

brooke grabbed her book, the same book she got the first time she met niki, and began reading.

after a couple hours, it was around 12:00am. brooke was on the last chapter of her book, so she finished it that night, going to sleep around 1:00am.


authors note:

this one is kind of boring but something huge is going to happen next chapter so just wait!

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