3. Tigers

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I stand from the table and begin walking down the steps leading up to the patio. Glancing over my shoulder I make sure Theodore is following behind me. He makes his way over to me without saying a word or even looking at me.

As he passes me and descends the steps, I finally see how tall he is up close. In my heels I barely clear his shoulders. This man is huge.

We walk silently down the stairs towards the lake below our estate. Theodore is standing quite close to me so I can smell his cologne sticking to his suit. The smell is clean and fresh, it would make anyone melt.

"I'm Vittoria," I mumble tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

His slightly turns towards me, giving me a once over. "Theodore," he snaps.

Jeez who made him bitchy this morning.

"I'm sorry about my father, he can be a bit overboard sometimes. Showing off our home and making me show you around. It's quite annoying isn't it?" I attempt to make conversation.

Theodore stands with his hands in his pockets glaring out at the lake in front of us. A family of geese swim peacefully past us as the wind blows a soft gentle tune.

Waiting for his response I start fidgeting with my fingers.

"It's fine. My father's the same way." He replies coldly after a few moments of silence.

"How old are you?" I poke.

"22," he sighs dryly.

He does not want to talk to me.

I slap myself mentally and push on with the conversation. Last thing I need is father chewing me out for being unfriendly.

"I'm 18."

He frowns and nods his head sharply.

"Let's go to the cages," I propose, trying to find something he'll actually care about.

"Cages?" he raises an eyebrow looking towards me.

"I own four tigers. 2 cubs, 2 adults." I respond.

"Tigers? Who the fuck owns tigers?" He scoffs.

"I do. They're endangered so I give them a chance a survival," I bite back.

"Hm," he moans; "Where are they?"

I point to the other side of the lake to a large building painted a matte black.

"Shall we?" I smile.

Theodore nods his head slowly, rolling his eyes as he begins walking around the lake.

Okay he doesn't seem to completely despise me yet.

Entering the code to my sanctuary, I guide him through the large doors entering a large dark room.

"Watch your eyes," I warn.

Sauntering over to the switches I turn on the light in the observatory, and open up the gates.

A stampede of footsteps come barreling in our direction as the two cubs run over to me.

"Ciao, miei angeli." I squeal as they begin jumping up on my legs.
Hello my angels.

"Where the hell are their parents?" Theodore wonders, leaning against the door.

"Calm down, Knight and Cove are back behind the glass in the water. It's their alone time. The cubs stay in the dry terrain this time of day while they swim around and sleep," I assure him.

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