14. Pergamon

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Pulling up to the club I was stunned. The club was a huge black building with enormous windows. It had a large sign placed on the front that read Pergamon in white lighting.

"Julianna where the hell are we? This does not look like a club," I snorted. It looked almost like an office building.

"The club is downstairs baby! Upstairs is different offices for several companies," Jules smiled at me as she slid out of the car.

By now we've finished the whole bottle of champagne and I'm buzzed. There was a line wrapped around the building that led down the street.

"We're going to be waiting in this line forever," I groaned walking towards the rest of the crowd.

"Um no. Not when you have connections!" She chirped happily. Julianna began following Zachary towards the back of the building while I trailed closely behind.

We made our way over to a door and were met by a man wearing gray jeans and a black sweatshirt.

"Ms. Quintiliani," he nodded towards Jules. She gave him a quick smile before turning and grabbing my arm, dragging me through the doors with her.

We walked through a dark hallway and down some stairs where music was blasting. Through a set of black doors revealed a gigantic club packed with people. There were stages with drunk girls swinging on poles, tables seated with men drinking, and a huge crowd dancing in the center of the room. There was an upper level where several men sat, conversing and sipping their glasses as they watched the women around them and below.

"Holy shit," I mumbled as I followed Julianna to the center of the room.

"Let's party bitch!" She shouts over the music.

We made it to the center of the room and started to dance. I began grinding on Julianna as we swayed to the music. Jules places her hands on my waist guiding my hips side to side. Sweat began to form all over my body after about 20 minutes and my legs started to ache.

"Can we go get a drink?" I said to Julianna who was dancing with some guy who came up to her not long ago.

"Oh my god yes, give me a second though," she grins, turning to the guy and whispering in his ear. He smiled drunkenly at her, then she turned back to me and we started walking towards the bar.

"Shit Jules. I don't have my ID on me," I said internally facepalming myself.

"Tori please, we don't need some shitty ID. I told you I have connections!" She laughs waving over a bartender.

"Two DIA's please," Julianna shouts to the man waiting to take our orders.

The bartender nodded as I look at Jules, "What the hell is a DIA?" I asked.

Throwing her head back with laughter, "Death in the Afternoon! Just you wait, tonight's gonna be fun!" She screamed.

The bartender returned with two glasses filled with a cream colored liquid and a lemon slice on the rim.

"Cheers!" Jules smiled as our glasses clinked. I sipped the drink and felt my eyes water. The drink was strong. The familiar taste of Tequila and Bacardi burned my throat as it went down.

"What the fuck. What's in this?" I laughed as Jules downed the entire glass.

"Tequila, Bacardi and Jägermeister!" She giggled, her now messy hair falling down her shoulders sticking to her wet forehead.

When we're back on the dance floor a man comes from behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. I place my hands over his and start grinding on his pelvis. His face lowers as he begins kissing and sucking on my neck. My body begins heating up when I turn around and bring his lips to mine. The man lowers his hands and he starts rubbing my ass.

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