9. Blood

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My eyes flicker over the many options displayed on the table. Looking back at the man I decide it's time to get downright dirty.

I'm ready to go home so I don't want this to take too long.

Picking up one of the many blades sitting at the corner of the table, I walk over to the man and squat down to his level.

"Are you gonna talk or am I gonna have to get my shoes dirty?" I say my face just inches from Collins.

"Fuck off you whore," his voice acid.

A smirk flashes across my face as I slam down on one of his fingers. Blood spurts out of the fresh wound as the tip of his pointer finger fumbles to the floor.

"I don't feel like doing this so tell me what the fuck you were doing poking your nose in other peoples business." I say chopping off another of his fingers.

Collin screams loudly his whole body writhing against the restraints.

"Tsks. Being difficult are we?" Taking the knife I puncture the center of his hand and begin sawing through the tendons connecting each of his fingers.

"STOP PLEASE," he yells tears rolling down his face.

"Aw honey, this would've been avoided if you just answered my question." I say a frown covering my face.

"Speak," I demand.

"Boss wanted us to take the girl." He gasps his face paling.

"My sister? Why the fuck does he want her?" Theodore asks walking up next to me.


"Not good enough Collin." I hum walking back over to the table.

Grabbing a drill I aim it at his chest and begin drilling screws in his chest, careful to avoid his heart and lungs.

"I— plea—," he pants

"I want more." I reply.

I look Collin in the face, a layer of sweat beginning to form on his forehead. He's still reluctant to answer.

I dropped the drill to the floor, walking back over to the table and picking up the same blade as before.

I make my way back over to the man in the chair, driving the knife into his forearm and begin dragging it down to his wrist.


"Good job sweetie, we're finally getting somewhere," I smiled sweetly.

After another hour of interrogation I've drained Collin of all the information he has.

"That wasn't too hard now was it sugar?" I say smiling down at the half conscious man.

"Too bad for you I hate snitches," I sigh grabbing a pair of scissors.

Cutting through his pants, I take a hold of his limp dick and scoff.

"Woah Vittoria what the fuck are you doing?" Theodore asks me pushing himself off the wall.

"Hmph he's wasted my time," shrugging my shoulders.

Lining the scissors up to his length Collin begins to beg staring down in my face.

I begin snipping at the base of his dick and he starts shrieking and his body starts convulsing. Once fully detached I take his penis and shove it in his mouth making him look me in the eyes.

"Maybe you should've been quieter snooping around places you don't belong." I say gripping his chin.

Pulling the knife out of his arm from earlier I shove it directly through his esophagus and leave him to suffocate and drown on his own cock and blood.

"I'm ready to leave Theodore." I say walking out the door dropping the scissors on the ground.

"And I'm keeping this knife. I like it," I shout over my shoulder as I near the door.

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