31. Distant

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"Vittoria! If you don't get your ass up you'll be late for your morning classes," Mama called. I awaken to the screeching of my mother's voice calling up the stairs, a sound that always signals the beginning of another day.

Rolling out of bed, I stretch, chasing away the remnants of sleep that clung to my limbs. The soft sunlight peeks through the sides of my curtains.

As I open the door, the aroma of breakfast wafts through the air, inviting me downstairs.

"Good morning, Tori," my mom greets me with a smile as I enter the kitchen. "You're cutting it close today. Your classes won't wait for you."

I grin, grabbing a plate before heading to the table. "I'll make it, Mama. Besides, Andrea does wait for me," I scoff rolling my eyes.

After an eating the breakfast Amelia prepared, I hurry through the familiar routine of getting ready. The sound of my father's footsteps echo in the hallway as he prepares for his day as well. Today, though, there is an added anticipation in the air.

"It's training day," I mumble to myself with a spark of excitement. I would be training with Papa later in the evening.

As I finish tying my shoes, my mom's voice calls up the stairs once more, a gentle reminder.

"Don't forget, Tori. You have training with your father tonight. He's looking forward to it."

The prospect of training with my father always fills me with a mix of nerves and eagerness. His guidance in the art of weaponry was both a privilege and a challenge. I make my way downstairs, shouldering my bag, ready to get today's lessons out of the way.


Class passed in a blur, the usual blend of lectures, discussions, and the occasional daydream. As
Andrea finishes her usual speech scolding me on not paying attention, I realize it's 2 o'clock.

"Sorry Andrea, it's lunch time and I'm starving," I interrupt her. Her face flushes a bright red and she smooths out her hair before turning to the clock, "Oh...Well I suppose that's all for today. I'll see you tomorrow Miss Abruzzo."

After hurrying back to the main house, I greet Amelia with a smile before grabbing a plate from the countertop and piling on the salad, she made for today's lunch. I sit down at the counter and begin my meal.

Pulling out my phone I send my father a text asking what time he'll be home. He quickly responds saying he should be home around seven and we can begin training then.

Satisfied with my downtime until then, I text aunt Z and ask if she wants to go shopping with me. After a few minutes, there's no response, but Zarina walks into the kitchen, looking as if she has just woken up for the day.

"Ti sei appena svegliato? Sembri una merda," I laugh at her appearance.
Did you just wake up? You look like shit.

Zarina rolls her eyes before flopping down in the seat next to me, "Ah lingua, sai che a tua madre non piace quando ti lascio imprecare. E sì, mi sono appena svegliato. Questo è quello che succede quando non devi andare a scuola come fai tu."
Ah language, you know your mother doesn't like when I let you curse. And yes I did just wake up. That's what happens when you don't have to go to school like you do.

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