6. New York

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I hear loud banging on the door as I slowly start waking up.

I sit up and remember I'm on Theodores plane and currently on the other side of the country.

"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR VITTORIA," Theodore booms from the hallway.

"Huh?" I ask groggily as I sit up and rub my eyes.

"I'm coming in," he mutters as I hear the door unlock.

Theodore storms in the room and immediately stops. His eyes dropping to my chest as he smiles and readjusts his suit jacket.

"Nice tits," he smirks.

Oh shit! I completely forgot I took off my shirt. Burning a deep red, I immediately cover myself up with the blanket and throw a pillow at him which he easily dodges.

"Fucking pervert," I say, fully awake now.

"You're the one sleeping naked in my bed angel," he laughs lightly.

My face flushes an even deeper red at his nickname for me. Angel? No thanks.

"My name isn't angel you piece of shit." I snap.

"Let's go our car is here," Theodore ignores what I said and walks out with one last glance towards me.

Stretching out my body, I grab the t-shirt on the floor and pull it over my head. When I stand up, I make my way over to the dresser and grab the brush sitting on the top.

I roughly yank the bristles through my hair silently cursing at the knots I knew would be here.

After a few strokes I head out to the main part of the plane where Theodore is grabbing all his stuff and shoving it into a bag.

How much shit does this idiot have?

"Come on," he says glancing over me.


"Where are your fucking pants?" I ask her angrily.

She's not wearing anything but one of my shirts and some socks. Her legs are out and it's fucking 30 degrees in New York.

"I'm wearing some shorts you dick," she spits back yanking up the shirt to reveal a pair of my briefs.

Fuck. My dick twitches in my pants at the sight of her in my boxers. She really is beautiful.

My father mentioned the Abruzzos had a beautiful daughter, but he didn't say she was fucking sexy as hell. Her small frame comes up just barely touching my shoulder. She looks no more than about 150 pounds and she's got a nice ass on her. Not to mention those perky tits.

Shit the things I'd do to her.

"Hm well that's too bad it's cold as hell outside. Come on," I say pushing aside my dark thoughts.

We make our way down the steps, and walk up to the limousine waiting for us.

The chauffeur opens the door and Vittoria gives him a smile before stepping in the car. I slide in after her and get myself settled in the seat.

Once the driver is in the car I motion for him to start driving,

"Home." I order.

With a simple nod he peels out of the parking lot and jumps on the highway.

"What's your house like?" Vittoria asks.

She's staring out the window avoiding all eye contact with me.

"I live in a mansion on my own plot of land. It's got 12 bedrooms, 9 bathrooms, and a few living areas. I have a library, movie room, gym, and an indoor or outdoor pool to choose from. You may not leave the property unless I give you permission or I accompany you. Do you understand?" I tell her spreading my legs and relaxing in my seat.

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