24. Redo

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We're standing in a long but narrow field.

The sun has already set, but thousands of stars light up the night sky.

Dimly lit candles are arranged in front of me, leading to a table about 50 feet away.

White and red rose petals are scattered up the walk way with a perfect bouquet of both roses placed delicately in the center of the table.

"What in the..." my voice trails off as I slowly make my way to the table.

The table is set for two with more petals sprinkled on top.

"I brought you here tonight to ask you a very important question," Theo begins.

I feel his breath tickle my neck as he comes up behind me. His breathing is ragged and quick; as if he's nervous.

"You're stuck with me. And I'm stuck with you. So I want to do this the right way." Theodore gently places his hands on my shoulders.

"Please take a seat Vittoria," his hands drop to my lower back as he slides past me and pulls out my chair.

Still unable to respond, I take my seat and watch with wild eyes as Theo walks around the table and takes his.

"Theo this is...a lot," I whisper.

I stare at him, astonished and very confused.

"Please. Let me say everything first before you respond." Theodore reaches across the table waiting for me to place my hand in his.

I nod my head slowly and give him my hand.

"Be patient with me here, I've never done anything like this before," his eyes burn into mine.

"In the past few weeks, I've gotten to know a little more about you. I've already gotten used to having you around. I'm used to the way you have a terrible attitude in the morning when you wake up. I'm used to watching you outside in the garden late at night. I'm used to finding you have a nice chat with Nicco and Eliza in the kitchen. And I'm glad to say that I'm happy when I see these things."

Omg. My heart is beating 1000x per minute and my mind is completely spinning. Where is all of this coming from? He's caught me in the garden? Jesus Christ Tori how the hell are you supposed to be heir to the Italian mafia yet can't tell when someone is watching you!

"Although this is last minute, I planned this dinner to formally ask you this question. Vittoria Ilaria Eleonora Abruzzo, would you be willing to start over?" Theo squeezes my hand gently.

"I promise to treat you better, to treat you right. I will not hurt you. I will protect not only your body, but your heart. I will support you and I will cherish you. Please allow me a redo," He finishes his sentence and his face has gone pale.

A thin layer of sweat coats his forehead as he continuously swallows.

I'm caught off guard. I don't know what to say.

"Theo I-What? Where is this coming from?" I finally manage.

He looks surprised, "I'm not exactly sure. I just know that yesterday seeing you upset over me being with Angelina, flipped a switch in me. I can't tell you how terrible I feel." Theodore pulls his arm back and runs his hands through his hair.

A redo? Theodore Quintiliani is asking me for a redo?

What the fuck is going on?

"What do you mean by starting over?" I stare blankly ahead and watch as he shifts uncomfortably.

"Well, I want us to be friends. I don't want to ignore each other while living together. I don't want us to be strangers. So ignoring all else around us; the marriage, our families, the business, I want us to ignore every bad emotion between one another and start off on a new foot."

I'm not sure how I feel. I'm glad that Theodore and I are on the same page. I don't want to be stuck with someone I barely talk to. On the other hand I'm very surprise that he was the one to say it first. I would've never expected Theo to be the one to ask if we could be friends.

I glance down in my lap as I pull my hands off the table and pick at my fingers. I can hear the sound of Theodore's nervous breathing as well as different noises coming from the trees surrounding us.

Looking up, I find Theo watching impatiently as he waits for my response. "Okay. Let's start fresh," I smile at him.

"Hi my names Vittoria," I extend my hand out waiting for him to shake it.

Theodore let's out a long but relieved sigh which turns into a slight chuckle. One corner of his mouth turns up into the smallest smirk. His eyes look into mine for a moment, as if he's searching for something. He watches me closely and looks down at my hand.

Theodore's hand swallows mine and he says, "Theodore Quintiliani."


Two waitresses have started bringing out our food and it looks amazing.

Theodore had his favorite Greek dishes prepared; Stifado: beef stew with onions and tomatoes and a small side of Dolmades: rice wrapped in grape leaves.

"Where the hell are we and how're there waiters?" I ask the question that's been circulating in my mind.

"We're on another one of my properties. I have a lake house not far from here and so I had some of my workers prepare this meal for us," a slight chuckle escapes his lips.

Nodding my head I take a bite of the food. It's delicious. Theo doesn't talk about his culture very often so it's nice to see a little bit of where he's from.

After a long dinner filled with my bad jokes and Theo rolling his eyes at them, we're now walking back to the car. Theodore's arm is wrapped firmly around my waist while his suit jacket is draped over my shoulders.

"Thank you. This was amazing," I smile at him.

He looks down at me with a neutral expression and just nods his head.

As we reach the car I realize how late it is. My phone says 12:07am.

Holy shit. We've spent almost five hours talking.

Theodore opens the car door for me, and helps me into the seat. As soon as I sit back, I can feel my consciousness slipping away. I watch drowsily as Theodore gets into the drivers seat, starts the car, and begins driving us home.

Theodore's warm hand rests gently on my thigh just as my eyes shut, and darkness surrounds me.

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