11. Day 1

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I've officially been away from home for more than twenty-four hours.

No Mamma, no Papa, no Emilio, no Romano, no Zarina. Just me. And the asshole who's house I'm in. My fiancée. My future husband.

Theodore Quintiliani.

I was woken up by a sudden yank of my blanket and a set of hands grabbing my arms and pulling me out of bed.

As I stumbled to my feet, panic took over my being and I immediately fought back against whoever was touching me.

Yanking their arm towards me, I twisted it upward as I used my other arm to slam down on the top of their shoulder; dislocating it instantly.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" A familiar voice roared in pain.

Letting go immediately I stumbled towards the light switch, my fingers shaking as I turned it on.

"Theodore?" I exclaim, still startled by the aggressive wake up.

"Who else would it fucking be?" He spits still holding his shoulder.

"I don't know, some super crazy psychopath who wants to murder me," I scoffed, slightly amused at his idiotic question.

His piercing green eyes dared to split me in two as I saw his nonexistent patience grow even thinner.

"Stop mocking me you fucking whore," he  says, clearly annoyed; hilarious.

"Sir yes sir," I smirked at him.

I saw an emotion flash in his eyes but I wasn't sure which.

"I came in here to get your ass out of bed, we have things to do today." He said heading towards the closet.

"I'm not going out today. Leave me alone," I sighed.

Theodore came out the closet holding a ball of clothes.

"I don't remember asking for your input." I rolled my eyes at his bluntness.

"Be ready in an hour," Theodore walks past me shoving an outfit into my arms.

As he slammed the door shut behind him, I was left with only annoyance and a headache.

I walked towards one of the four doors inside my room; walking through the door I was shocked to find an enormous bathroom.

Gorgeous green marble tile covered the floors, streaks of gold scattered throughout the tile. Pale cream wallpaper stretched up the walls meeting the same colored ceilings. A perfect gold orb chandelier fell from the ceiling, lighting up the room. A cream and white sink paired with gold features laid perfectly against the far wall as a matching mirror hung delicately upon the wall.

A matching shower took up the entirety of the south wall as a huge slipper tub sat perfectly center of the room.

I gazed around in awe at the perfect decor that brought every aspect of the room together.

Making my way up to the mirror I gave myself a quick once over before walking towards the shower. I slipped out of the shirt I had found last night in one of the drawers in the closet; it was about 2 sizes too small.

Stepping into the shower I turned the faucet all the way to the left wincing as the ice cold water fell upon my head. Within seconds the water began to heat up, burning every inch of my body.

After taking 30 minutes scrubbing my body, I started to feel lightheaded from the hot shower.

Stepping out, I quickly found a towel and began drying myself. I found a blow dryer and sloppily dried my hair before walking back into the bedroom and grabbing the outfit Theodore had handed me earlier.

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