20. Mistress

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I stood there stunned at the door.

Looking ahead, I watched as Theodore fucked Angelina on his bed.

Her head hung off the edge of the bed as one leg was thrown over his shoulder. His hand gripped her leg while the other supported his weight on the bed. His curly hair fell down over his face, covering his eyes as his muscles flexed with each thrust.

Her arms were both raised, caressing his chest. The sound of their skin slapping filled the quiet air.

Neither of them noticed me at the door. I felt my knees begin to buckle as the wind was knocked out of my body. "Oh my god..." I gasped.

Theodore's head snapped up at the sound of my voice and his eyes met mine. At the same time Angelina looked up at me and a sinister smile covered her face.

"Vittoria!" Theodore shouted as he quickly separated their bodies and jumped up from the bed, covering himself with the blanket.

My stomach dropped and my head started spinning at the scene in front of me.

I took a slight step back before slamming the door shut and sprinting down the hall.

I ran. I ran as fast as I could down the hall and down the steps straight to the basement. I kept running until I found an empty bedroom. I hurried inside, making sure to lock the door behind me.

I felt sick to my stomach.

I was disgusted.

I was angry.

We spent the entire day together, exploring New York. Getting to know one another. We agreed to start over and actually try to get along. But here he was fucking his mistress not even an hour after saying goodnight to me. My family was two doors down from his room.

I sat with my back against the door and tried to calm myself. My breathing was ragged, and my whole body was shaking. Tears began forming in my eyes as the image of Theodore thrusting inside of Angelina filled my mind. All I could see was their naked bodies tangled together.

I could hear the sound of Theodore running through the house upstairs searching for me.

The tears began flowing freely.


"What the fuck man," I whispered to myself. Standing up, I felt around the wall, searching for the light switch. Flipping the switch, I was standing in a relatively small room compared to every other bedroom.

Why am I so upset over this?
Why am I angry with him?
Why do I care?
We aren't actually together.
I don't even like him.
This is merely a business arrangement made by our fathers.

These were all the things that had been cycling through my head for the past hour or so.

Walking over to a mirror sitting in the corner of the room I looked at myself.

"Who are you?" I questioned the person staring back at me. My face was pale, eyes sunken in and stained with mascara. My hair was now pulled up into a shitty excuse of a ponytail. The person in the mirror, I didn't recognize. I don't cry. I don't get upset over anyone but family. I don't let things bother me. So why do I feel so defeated right now?

I had been down here for god knows how long; I turned my phone off after Theo kept blowing it up with calls and text messages.

"I'm sleeping in here." I spoke to myself.

I walked over to the bed, which was perfectly made and appeared to be completely untouched. Peeling back the covers, I climbed in still wearing my dress from earlier. I don't want to risk running into anybody, trying to go change upstairs.

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