28. Ninna

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I'm lost.

I'm broken.

Trapped and tangled in the web my mind has become.

Day and night have become nothing but a blur of time.

My mothers soft voice resonates through my soul.

Fa la ninna, fa la nanna
Nella braccia della mamma
Fa la ninna bel bambin,
Fa la nanna bambin bel,
Fa la ninna, fa la nanna
Nella braccia della mamma.

An old Italian lullaby sung to me as a child consumes my every thought.

"Vito! Vito!" Sounds of the boys little feet chasing after me.

Memories of Saturday lunches where Papa would spoil me rotten, rip my heart in two.

Friday nights with Zarina.

Laughing, fighting, crying; all gone.

The only thing keeping me from falling deep into a void filled with agony is one thing.

Hate. An inexplicable, all consuming hatred for one person. One name.

Malin Gagliardi.

My body burns anytime I think of him.

All logic gone, only hatred.

My family is my life. They always have been and they always will be. I would die for them, and if it comes down to it; I will die for them. My brothers, my babies, the two halves of my heart. I didn't protect them. I couldn't protect them.

My mother. Mamma. The woman who protected me my entire life. Who raised me to be who I am. My sweet adoring mother, ripped away from me.

Zarina, my beautiful aunt. My best friend, the person who I could always count on. She kept me in line, taught me such valuable lessons.

Gone, as if she was never here.

Papa. The glue of our family, protector of our home. My lifelong hero, nothing but an image in my mind.

I will find them. Whatever it takes, however long it takes.

Malin. I will find you. And when I do, may God help you.

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