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Hello readers! I hope you're all enjoying the story so far! Any recommendations?

I just wanted to inform you guys that I went ahead and created social media profiles for my Wattpad account:

Instagram @mafialover3009wattpad
Tiktok @mafialover3009

Please check them out whenever you get the chance.

I plan on publishing 1-2 stories a day Monday-Friday, but as a full time college student with three jobs I can't say that'll be 100% happening. I can say however, that I'll upload at least 3 times a week.

As a reader here on Wattpad myself, there's nothing I hate more than the short chapters, authors publish just for the sake of publishing. So whenever I do upload, the chapters shouldn't be any less than 1000 words.

Please bare with me as this is my first ever story! Also, take into account that English is my first and only language. If I get anything wrong with the Greek or Italian, just know that I spent time writing these chapters and translated them the best that I could using the Internet. Please feel free to politely correct me if any terminology or phrases are said wrong!

This is a whole new experience for me and I'm learning so please be patient!

-K ♡

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