4. Marriage

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Mama, Selene, Theodore, Nikolas, Papa and I all make our way to the living room in the front.

Papa motions for Mama and Selene to take a seat on the couch while Nikolas points to the love seat for Theodore and I.

I sit down and cross my legs over each other waiting for them to begin. Theodore plops down next to me taking up every bit of space left. His large warm body is pressed against my despite him doing everything he can to not touch me.

"As you all know, we have recently become partners. Forgetting all bad blood in the past, we have come up with a guaranteed way to strengthen this alliance," Nikolas announces.

I glance over to my mother who looks pale as she stares at fathers cold expressionless face.

I'm confused. Why does she look like that?

Selene wriggles in the seat readjusting her position every few seconds.

"We have decided that Theodore and Vittoria will wed. They shall be married as of November. You will spend the next 6 months getting to know one another and planning the wedding." Papa says proudly.

All color drains from my face as I process what he says.

Theodore flies out of his seat and begins shouting.

"Giati tha íthela na tin pantreftó!" Theodore shouts.
Why the fuck would I want to marry her?

"Próseche to stòma sou agóri. Tha káneis ópos léo. Den ypostirizo." His father snaps at him.
Watch your mouth boy. You will do as I say. No arguing.

I stand up as I begin to hyperventilate.

"Papà, per favore, non farmelo fare." I beg my eyes stinging with tears.
Papa please don't make me do this.

"Mi dipiace amore mio, ma questo è l'unico modo per garantire la tua sicurezza in futuro. Sei in buone mani, prometto il mio amore," he says gently.
I'm sorry my love but this is the only way to ensure your safety in the future. You're in safe hands I promise my love.

I start overheating and my palms becomes sweaty. My mother and Selene are both crying in the corner while Theodore argued with his father. My ears start ringing and my eyes can't focus. All the sound around me becomes muffled and I slowly feel myself falling towards the ground.


"Vittoria! Vittoria! Wake up sweetheart! Oh Andriano look what the fuck you did to our baby! Maledetto idiota!"


"Oh dear honey please wake up! Nikolas this isn't right!"


I open my eyes slightly to several heads hovering over me. Suddenly my body is jolted upwards by someone and I hear someone gasp.

Slowly I begin losing consciousness again.


I open my eyes in a warm dimly lit area. Glancing around I realize I'm back in my bedroom. I'm dressed in sweatpants and a large t-shirt I normally sleep in.

Slowly, I attempt to get up but I'm greeted by an excruciating headache.

"Shit," I groan.

In the corner of my room my mother sits silently crying to herself.

"Mamma," I whisper.

"Oh my poor baby!" my mom sobs running over to me crawling on the bed.

"Are you okay? Do you still feel dizzy? Do you want some water?" my mom bombards me with questions.

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