15. Okay

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I'm pissed.

Who the hell does Theodore thinks he is? He thinks he owns me. Spoiled bitch thinks that just because our fathers are forcing us to be together means that he can force me to submit to him.

"This bullshit alliance would've ended faster than it started??" What kind of shit is that?

He told Julianna to keep me home as if I wouldn't have gone out with or without her.

After hearing his nonsense speech I walked out of the room and back into the club area. The two men from before have long gone and now I'm left alone, drunk, and surrounded by complete strangers.

"Fuck," I mumble still processing everything that just happened.

I begin walking towards the door Julianna and I came in earlier when I hear someone calling my name.

"Tori! Wait!"

I turn around to see Jules trying to push her way through a crowd of drunk people dancing. When she finally makes it through, Julianna catches up to me and is out of breath.

"Jesus christ how fast do you walk?" Julianna asks grabbing her stomach.

"I'm ready to leave. Where's Zachary?" I ask trying not to laugh at her lack of athleticism.

"Ummm...I don't really know," she answers sheepishly.

"Oh good lord Jules!" I roll my eyes at her and begin walking away.

We walk down the same dark hallway as before and outside onto the cold streets and I take a look around. There's still people in line waiting to get inside, while the busy streets of New York are so lively 11 o'clock at night.

"Give me a second to call him," Jules says stumbling for her phone.

I pull out my phone and send my aunt a text message.

"I miss you Z," was all it said.

She responded almost instantly, "Mi manchi di più! è successo qualcosa?"

I miss you more! Did something happen?

"Not exactly. I'm just tired of being here."

"Ah bella. Don't worry V everything will work out in the end. I'm always here for you amore mio."

I smiled at Zarina's always positive outlook on things. She was never sad, never angry, always happy and smiling.

"Ti amo zia," I sent and returned my attention to a now silent Julianna.

I love you auntie.

Behind me was a terrified Julianna and a strange man holding a knife to her neck.

"Píso sou," she whispered, a tear slipping from her eye.

Behind you.

Turning on my heel I discovered another man creeping up behind me. I immediately took a step forward and lunged towards the man, knocking him down.

"Stupid Italian bitch." The man hissed as his head hit the ground.

Julianna screamed as the man under me grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked me to the ground. The man holding Jules covered her mouth with his hand and began dragging her away. I frantically looked over to the line of people waiting to get into Pergamon, hoping one of them would see and help us only to realize they were all drunk and we were across the street hidden by a parked car on the road.

The bastard on top of me dragged me off the ground and backhanded me across the face.

I began to taste blood when he struck me again and my vision started to blur. Suddenly I hear Theodore's voice.

"Vittoria!" He shouted. The American man whipped us around to face Theo with his arm wrapped around my neck and his other arm raised with a gun aiming at Theodore.

"Back away you filthy Greek!" The man shouts.

Theodore takes a step closer before he yelling out; "Sout tou Zacharía."

Zachary shoot.

A loud gunshot ripped through the air and suddenly the man's grip on my neck loosened as he fell to the ground. I spun around quickly to see the man bleeding out on the ground just as two men come from around the corner with Julianna.

"Jules..." I uttered. Running over to her I wrapped my arms around her body as she cried.

Turning towards Theodore we begin walking towards him and he guides us to a car just pulling up.

"Be careful, get in," he says before pulling out his phone and giving orders to whoever was on the other end.

Julianna and I sat in total silence as we made our way back to Theodore's house. We sat holding eachother as tears silently slipped out and Theodore sat next to me completely mute. Quickly I began dozing off until everything was dark, warm, and okay.

At least we're okay.

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