2. Quintilianis

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Walking back into the kitchen I heard as someone opened the door for our guests. My mother was sitting the boys down at the table while whispering orders to our servants. I heard my father coming down the stairs in the next room.

"Ah, Nikolas. Pleasure to see you again my friend," greeted my father.

"Adriano." replied a voice in the foyer.

I made my way over to the table and stood to the right of fathers chair. My mamma came and stood the the left of his chair. In our family the women cannot sit at the table until they wait for the man of the house to sit.

Through the large glass patio doors leading out to the deck walked four people.

The first was my father. Papa had dark brown hair with deep green eyes. He was a tall broad man standing at 5'11.

Next, an elegant petite woman of fair skin with long blonde hair and honey brown eyes.

A medium sized man followed closely after her with grey hair gelled to perfection and emerald green eyes.

Lastly, a tall figure strolled behind them ducking the door frame in front of him. He appeared to be my age, maybe a little bit older. He has jet black hair and was extremely tall. He looks to be around 6'1 or 6'2. His muscles were visible even through his casual suit. He stopped a few feet behind the man standing next to my father.

"Nikolas, Selene, Theodore, this is my family. My wife Gia, our twins Romano and Emilio. And this is my beautiful daughter Vittoria," my father gestured towards us.

My mother and I smiled and nodded while we waiting for father to sit.

The shorter man held the chair for his wife as she said down while the tall man quietly sat down across from the woman. The tall figure that came in with the shorter man and the woman sat across me at the table without a glance in my direction.

Hmph. Asshole

My father came over and signaled for mamma and I to take our seats.

Once everyone was seated my father shouted, "Christiano!  Porta i nostri drink!"
(Christiano! Bring our drinks!)
"Signore," the sommelier responded sharply to my father.

"Thank you for joining us in our home this morning. It's a pleasure to meet you," my mother greets the blonde woman.

"The pleasure is ours Gia. I'm Selene, this is my husband Nikolas, and my son Theodore" the blonde replies.

The man Nikolas turns towards my father and says, "Adriano, you have such a wonderful home here. Such handsome boys and a lovely daughter."

Internally I roll my eyes as I pull my cheeks up into a fake grin.

"Thank you Nikolas, you're too kind. Your son looks like such a strong young man. Very well done," my father praises.

Christiano comes back with a large bottle of Romanée-Conti.

Fucking ridiculous how Papa will spend $20,000 on wine but I'm crazy for buying a $50 eyeshadow palette. 

As he pours the wine in our glasses another server comes over with apple juice for the boys and fills their cups.

My father and the man Nikolas quietly discuss values and business while my mother and Selene talk about their children.

The boys are next to me in their own separate world while they play with their food. I stare down at my plate and look at the meal prepared by our chef this morning.

A spinach and mushroom frittata with prosciutto and sausage on the side, topped with parsley and cherry tomatoes.

I scrunch my nose at the sausage and silently push it to the side as I begin eating.

"Tori?" and quiet voice next to me asks.

I turn over my right shoulder to find Emilio looking up at me through his thick lashes. His beautiful blue eyes shimmering in the sun.

"Yes my love," I reply.

"L'uomo spaventoso non ha detto una parola a nessuno e continua a guardarti," he whispered cautiously.
The scary man didn't say a word to anyone and he keeps looking at you

My brows come together in confusion as I see Emilio fiddle with his fingers in his lap with his head looking down.

I move my eyes in front of me to find sharpe emerald green orbs piercing my soul.  My cheeks and neck flush a deep crimson as I avert my eyes from the intense glare of the man across from me.

"Mio caro Lio. L'uomo spaventoso sta fissando solo perché non ha buone maniere. Ora non saremo scortesi come lui e non ci fisseremo. Va tutto bene tesoro. Avanti, mangia." I whisper in Lio's ear.
My dear Lio, The scary man is staring just because he doesn't have good manners. We're not going to be rude like him now and we're not gonna stare. It's okay honey. Come on, eat.

He turns to me and grins a toothless smile  before nodding yes. I smile back at him before planting a kiss on his temple.

Returning my attention to my food, I feel his eyes still on me.

"Papa, may you please pass the salt down?" I chime to my father.

"Here darling," my father responds handing my mother the salt shaker.

"Grazie Papa," I smile.

I look up to see the man Theodore finally eating rather then staring at me. As he chews his food I take a moment to study his face. His dark black hair gelled perfectly matching his fathers. Two thick eyebrows decorate his face with an angry scowl. His nose slightly turnt up in a round full shape. His lips plump and pink. He's quite handsome.

My father clears his throat and stands up at the head of the table.

"Nikolas and I will be discussing important business in my study. Do not disturb us. Gia, take Selene through the gardens and affiliate yourselves." My father instructs.

"Of course my love," my mother obeys my father with a love struck stare.

"Vittoria introduce yourself to Theodore. Be nice and conduct yourself as a young lady," my father scolds me.

Flushing a light pink I nod my head and roll my eyes at my fathers bluntness.

"Boys, up to your room and prepare for your lessons."

"Yes Papa," the boys reply jumping up from their seats and flying in the house.

I glance up to see Theodore looking at me, making me look away. He looks strange. No emotion shown. His face hard as stone just stares at me without an ounce of embarrassment.

This is gonna be interesting.

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