17. Gardens

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My talk with Theo went way better than expected. He seemed to actually want me to be comfortable.

I've been here for just over a week so I can't just assume he's a different man. I've barely spent any time with him so I have no clue of his true nature. Everyone always talks about how ruthless and selfish the Quintiliani's are, but looking at Julianna's personality; that seems to be far from the truth. Their mother seemed like a sweet woman but that could be years of training from their father.

Selene looked just as hopeless as my mother did when Papa announced our marriage. They both looked defeated. As if they couldn't believe their husbands would allow the same fate to take their children as it did them.

I won't allow myself to be in a loveless marriage. Mama and Papa grew to love one another, but that was only after I was born. I will not be married to someone who I don't love, or someone who doesn't love me.


"Julianna?" I knocked on her bedroom door.

"Come in," she whispered.

Opening the door I find Jules curled up in her blanket lying on her bed. Tears and mascara stain her cheeks. Her hair in the same style as last night yet it looked completely ruined.

"How are you?" I ask, making my way over to her bed.

She sat up slowly and looked me once over. Her eyes began to brim with tears. Her lips began quivering and her breath became ragged.

"I-I.. I'm o-okay. I j-ust..." her tears began to flow freely as her body started to tremble.

Rushing over, I wrapped my arms around her and held her as she cried.

"Shh. Jules. It's okay. We're okay. I'm right here." I said.

"I'm just so sick of this. How are we s-supposed to live our lives with the fear of someone we don't know coming after us?" She sobbed.

"I know I know. It's not fair. We have to constantly watch over our shoulders. You and I aren't allowed a normal life because of the families we were born into."

I rubbed her back slowly and did my best to calm her down. We sat talking for a few hours, we laughed, we cried. And we both agreed how shitty our families were.

It's about 4pm and Theodore sent us a text saying he'd like to have dinner in the gardens this evening. I had planned on just wearing my sweats to dinner but Julianna told me that we must dress nice in the gardens because it's "such a magical place," or whatever the hell that means.

Right now I'm detangling the nest I call hair, while Jules takes a shower. Instead of pulling my hair back or straightening it like I usually do, I've decided to wear my hair down in it's naturally curly form.

I sprayed my hair with water and conditioner before applying a thin layer of gel and mousse to hold the shape. My hair cascades down my back in dark bouncy curls allowing my italian genes to shine through.

After looking through my closet I've decided to wear a red backless mini dress with delicate pearl straps. It hugs my hips and breasts in just the right way while also not revealing too much. I throw on a pair of white heeled sandals and my usual jewelry; gold necklace, gold rings, gold bracelets, and gold earrings.

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