22. Out

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We stand infront of Angelina's door as I shove Theo forward urging him to go inside.

As he opens the door, I follow behind him as I hear Angelina's voice; "Hi baby! I'm glad you're here. That bitch interrupted us last nigh-" she stops when she sees me step out from behind him.

"Oh. What is she doing here Theobear?"

"Pack your things Angelina. It's time for you to leave." He says.

Her face is very confused hearing what Theo just told her. "Why am I leaving so early? I usually don't leave until 5 on Mondays," she asks him.

"You're not coming back this time honey," I smile at her.

She looks over at me, completely caught off guard.

"Excuse me? Theobear what is she talking about?" Angelina walks towards Theodore.

"You're no longer allowed to stay here. Get your shit and get out Lina." He stares at her with such a cold expression.

"Baby, why're you doing this? Is it because of her?" She glares over at me before grabbing Theodore's face and trying to kiss him. "Don't let her break us up."

Theodore pushes Angelina away without saying a word. "This is my house. And I want you out. So you need to leave Linabear," I mock her.

Her face is turning red, I can't tell if it's embarrassment or anger. She walks over, hand raised as if she's preparing to slap me, "You Bitch!" But Theodore grabs her and yanks her back.

"Don't touch her." He snaps.

I start laughing. Did she really think she was going to put her hands on me?

Cocking my arm back I snap it forward and punch her in the face.

The crunch of her nose snapping beneath my fist echoes through the room.

Soon Angelina's screams begin filling up the air.

"Jesus Christ Vittoria." Theo chuckles.

"What the fuck! You stupid bitch my nose!" Angelina cries and she covers her face.

"Shut the fuck up Angelina. Great. Look at what you've done Vittoria. There's blood on my floors."

"Theo look what she did! Aren't you going to do something?" Angelina whines to Theodore.

"Oh I see what she did Lina. And you deserved it. What do you want me to do? She's my fiancée, this is her house, and you tried to attack her. I would've done worse if I was her." Theo shrugs nonchalantly.

Angelina begins to cry, "What the fuck. You just come in here and turn my man against me? Fuck you Victoria!"

Just as I'm about to respond, Theodore jumps in. "Vittoria. Her name is Vittoria Abruzzo, the future Mrs. Quintiliani so I suggest you watch your tone when speaking to her. And I was never your man."

Angelina and I sit there in shock for a moment. Not once has Theodore ever talked about me being the future Mrs. Quintiliani.

I'm suddenly embarrassed but also flattered.

"I'm over this, Angelina just grab your shit and let's go," Theo sighs impatiently.

Angelina realizes that there's no point in arguing anymore so she hurries over to the bathroom and emerges a few moments later with tissue to her nose.

She grabs her phone, purse, and goes to grab a suitcase when Theodore stops her.

"Oh no, you can only take what is actually yours. Whatever I bought for you is staying here."

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