16. Compromise

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I woke up to the feeling of someone's arms wrapping around my waist and neck, pulling me from the car. My eyes fluttered open to find Theodore carrying me inside the house with a stone cold expression covering his face.

"Eliza!" he shouts as we make our way to what I remember is the living room.

Quickly Eliza meets us in the living room and responds; "Sir."

"Please make Jules and Vittoria whatever it is that they please. They've had a long night." Theodore requests, setting me down gently on the couch.

"Yes sir," Eliza nods as she begins making her way back to the kitchen. "Wait," I say causing them both to look at me, confusion covering their faces.

"Please I'm not hungry, I feel sick" I say honestly.

Eliza looks to Theodore, "Just Julianna then please." He nods.

"Where's Jules?" I question as Theodore sits across from me.

"She went up to her room."

Standing from the couch I stumble and almost fall over, only to be caught by Theodore.

"Jesus fuck sit down," he mutters.

"I would like to be in my bed," I snap back at him.

Wordlessly, Theo wraps his arm around my waist and begins guiding me to the stairs. When we reach the top, the door across from mine opens and out comes Angelina.

"Theobear! You're back! Come to bed with me?" She smiles, completely naked in the hallway.

"Not now Lina." He says.

"Ew what happened to you?" She says taking in my appearance. "Your mouth is all bloody."

"Shut the fuck up and go to your room, or leave my house." Theodore booms. The blonde jumps back a few inches, shock clear on her face. Her eyes narrow as she looks at me once again before slamming her bedroom door shut.

Theodore helps me to my room and into the bed. Once I'm settled, he begins to walk towards the door when I stop him.

"Theo?" I whisper.

He stops just before the door and turns over his shoulder, an eyebrow raised at me.

"Thank you. For saving us." I murmur.

He nods curtly before turning back to the door. "I'll wake you up in the morning." He says before turning the lights off and leaving my room.

I lay my head on the cool pillow and slowly even my breathing. My head doesn't hurt too bad so I'm almost certain I don't have a concussion.

My eyes start to feel heavy as I drift back off to sleep.


Warm hands are gently rubbing my shoulders, waking me up slowly. I open my eyes to find Theos green eyes looking down at me as he sits on my bed.

"Goodmorning," I say cautiously.

"Morning," he responds coldly.

"Let's have a talk." Theodore says standing from the bed. "I'll leave you to shower and get dressed. Don't worry we aren't going anywhere today. Just come to my office when you're ready." He says, his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants. He's not wearing a shirt so I can't help by notice the abs covering his stomach.

Nodding slowly I watch as he walks out of the room and closes the door behind him.

I get out of the bed slowly and make my way into the bathroom to take a shower. My dress from last night still on but torn in places from the struggle last night. My mind immediately goes to Julianna as I haven't seen her since we got in the car to come home.

Taking a hot shower, I wash my hair and rinse the dirt from my body. Hopping out, I brush my curls with my fingers and wash my face. Blood is still on my mouth from that man slapping me and I look disgusting.

I head to the closet and throw on some black sweats on with a large black hoodie overtop.

I head back to the bathroom and brush my teeth before finally deciding to go find Theodore.

After a few minutes of trying to remember where his office was, and walking into random rooms along the way, I finally find Theo's office at the end of the hall.

I knock quietly, not wanting to interrupt whatever he is doing. "Come in," he says from the other side.

Opening the door I step into the room to find him sitting at his desk typing away on his keyboard.

His eyes meet mine as I walked further into the room and he takes his attention away from his laptop and gives it to me.

"Okay, Please sit Vittoria. We must establish some very important rules." Theodore stands from his desk and motions for me to join him on a couch.

Slightly rolling my eyes, I sit with him and brace myself for the lecture that is sure to come my way after last night.

"I first want to apologize for how I have acted thus far. You were right. This situation affects the both of us and it's unfair how I've been treating you."

My eyes widen as he apologizes. This was the last thing I was expecting.

"Secondly, I think it would beneficial for us both to mutually agree on my rules regarding you."

I nod my head, waiting to hear what he has to say.

"You are free to come and go in and out of the house as you please. As long as you inform me ahead of time and agree to take security with you. They don't have to be with you at all times but they have to be in the same place so that if anything happens they'll be right there to help you."

I nod my head slowly, thinking about what he's saying.

"Next, I would like it if you would text me periodically while you are out. Just to check in. You don't have to call me every hour but just shoot a text or two while you are out."

"Does that work for you?" He asks, facing me and waiting for my response.

I take a moment and contemplate what he has proposed.

"Yes that works." I agree, his body visibly relaxes.

"On one condition," I say almost laughing as his facial expression hardens.

"You bring me back at least once a month to visit my family."

Theodore plays with the idea in his head before responding, "How about I bring them here sometimes?"

"Yes that's fine too," I smile.

A low chuckle escapes Theodore's lips, "I can't believe I'm agreeing with you."

I smile even brighter, "It's called compromise."

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