26. Gone

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"Theodore he took them. Last night," my father spoke to me over the phone.

"Who?" I question.

"The Abruzzos. Gagliardi came and took them from their home last night." He says.

"How do you know?"

There's a moment of silence on the phone. "ANSWER ME HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW?" I shout.

"I've had men following them since Adriano and I announced your union," he confesses.

"You did what?" I spit standing from my chair.

"You don't have much time son. They're coming for her next." He tells me.

"You son of a bitch!" I hang up the phone.

"Elias!" I shout.

Within seconds, one of my most trusted men walks through my office doors. He's calm and collected like usual.

"I want everyone in room 4 in five minutes. Everyone!" I bark at him.

He gives me a simple nod before leaving the room. Pulling out my phone I dial her name and pray she doesn't know anything about this.

"Hi," she says happily when she answers the phone.

Fuck. This is going to kill her.

"Vittoria. Where are you?" I say as calmly as I can manage.

"In my room with Jules why?" She sounds confused.

"I need both of you to get ready as soon as you can. Zachary will drive you to my location. I want you both to leave your phones and any other electronics you have. Throw on something comfortable and pack a small bag with any necessities. You need to leave in the next 10 minutes." I tell her.

"Why? Theodore what's going on?" She questions.

I can't tell her this over the phone.

"Listen I need you to trust me and to follow my instructions. I promise you I will explain everything once you're both with me. But please Tori, just hurry and get ready to leave."

"Okay," she mumbles before hanging up the phone.

How could I have been so stupid? Of course my father would have them watched.

He's always been a snake.

Vittoria's going to hate me. I've let her family get taken. Her parents. Her aunt. Her brothers.

Grabbing my things, I rush out of my office and make my way to the fourth meeting room. There my men have started gathering around the table waiting for my instruction.

"O Gagliardi apígage tin oikogéneia tis arravoniastikiás mou. Eínai sto drómo tis edó tóra kai den xérei ti échei symveí. Thélo óloi na kratísete to stóma sas kleistó méchri na boréso na tis to exigíso aftó. Thélo apólyti siopí se aftó to domátio. Eímai xekátharos?" I bark.

Gagliardi has kidnapped my fiancée's family. She is on her way here now and she does not know what has happened. I want you all to keep your mouthes shut until I can explain this to her. I want complete silence in this room. Am I clear?

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