30. Adversary

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"Boss?" One of my men spoke behind the door to my office.

"What is it?" I responded without looking up from my laptop.

"Carpenter's gone," he spoke as he walked through the door.

"What do you mean he's gone? Where is he?" I asked, stopping my typing.

I looked up to find one of my first men, Leon shifting back and forth.

"The Greeks grabbed him last night during his daily rounds down on Oakhurst," Leo spoke.

I stood from my desk, slamming my laptop shut.

"How did we let this happen?" I shouted.

Leon, didn't respond.

"Speak!" I roared, turning away from Leon.

"Carpenter was running his rounds with Johnny. We found Johnny thrown in an alley with a bullet in his head and no Carpenter. Cameras show two black cars pull up around the corner of Oakhurst, and 10 armed met hopping out around 12:54am," he spoke.

I turned my attention back to Leon, "Who are the ten men?"

"We haven't been able to identify them sir."

"Ten men, and we can't identify even one?" I raised my eyebrow.

"No sir," Leon answered reluctantly.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

How is this possible? All of the equipment, all of the men, all of the resources my empire has and we can't even identify at least one out of ten men?

"Leon. With all of the money I've spent on technology for this damn business, how is it that facial recognition as well as all of the fuckers I pay to watch the cameras, can't identify ten fucking people. Fuck that! One of those ten?"


"Shut the fuck up. Go figure out who took Carpenter and who the hell killed Johnny," I ordered.

"Sir." Leon nodded before hurrying out of the room.

I will not let these Greek fucks ruin everything I've worked for. I've been planning this for months. I've worked too hard for everything to be thrown away over some incompetent idiots who can't even identify a person.

I want the Quintiliani's men and power. I want all of their resources.

Kidnapping Theodore's dreadful in laws is only the beginning.

I will have Vittoria.

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