5. Travel

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This girl is going to be a problem. I will say she's got a pretty strong hand.

I've never had a female successfully punch me let alone make me bleed.

"Wow boss looks like she got you good," Victor chuckles.

"Yeah the bitch can punch. Let's go, put her in the backseat." I chuckle bitterly as I wipe the blood from my mouth.

Making my way over to the trucks I hop in while my men place Victoria around the other side.

"Archikí parakaló Lance." I say to my driver.

Home please Lance.

"Nai, afentikó," nods Lance.

Yes Boss.

As we pull out the gates I look over at the girl in my car. She's got quite the mouth on her. Little bitch telling me what to do, thinking she can talk back to me. I'm gonna have to put her in her place soon.

I pull out my phone to respond to some emails and prepare for the long ride home.


As we pull up to the airport, the girl begins to wake up. She sits up slowly and looks around as her eyes start to widen and her face pales.

"Finally you're awake. Let's go it's time to board the plane." I say opening the door.

"Wait what? What do you mean plane? Where are we?" she asks as she opens the door.

Trying to slide from the car, she slips and falls on her hands and knees.

"Shit," she cusses.

"Let's go Victoria I'm not waiting all day." I shout over my shoulder.

"My name is Vittoria. No C you asshole." she grumbles chasing after me.

"I don't really care what your name is. Let's go," I snap at her as we finally get to my plane.

After briefly talking to the pilot, I lead Vittoria up the steps and onto my jet. As we take our seats, I notice she looks flustered and a little scared.

"Hmm I like you more when you're quiet." I smirk at her as the doors are shut and my staff begins their jobs.

"Ti odio, puttana viziata," she grumbles taking the seat farthest away from me.

I hate you, you spoiled bitch.

"Watch it. We'll arrive in New York in 6 hours. Make yourself comfortable. There's a bathroom in the back and food can be served. If you want a nap there's a bedroom to your right or these seats recline. Don't cause any trouble or I won't hesitate to put a bullet through that pretty little head." I tell her, walking over and pouring a glass of whiskey.

The warm liquid trickles down my throat with a delicious burn. The rich fruity flavor greeting my taste buds as I sit back down in my seat.

Vittoria grabs a blanket draped over one of the seats and begins to doze off.

I grab my laptop and continue my work as the plane ascends in the sky.

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