21. Boundaries

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After spending a little bit of time with Jules, the two of us are heading downstairs to eat breakfast with everyone.

I'm so excited to have my family here, but I'm really not in the mood to deal with Theodore. I know he's going to try and talk to me either during breakfast or right after.

We walk into the dining room to find everyone standing around and waiting for us to join them. "Ecco Vittoria! Sbrigati, siamo pronti per mangiare!" Emilio shouted earning a chuckle from our family, along with Nicco and Eliza.
There you are Vittoria! Hurry up we're ready to eat!

"Oh zitto, siamo qui, siamo qui." I say back playfully.
Oh hush we're here, we're here.

Eliza and Nicco cover the table with all of the food they've prepared. There's French Toast, fruit, champagne, orange juice, fresh muffins, and the breakfast scramble Eliza was making earlier.

Theodore is standing at the head of the table while my father is on the other end. I'm surprised Papa isn't throwing a fit about not being the center of attention. He's always believed that regardless who he is with, as the leader of the Italian Mafia and head of the Abruzzo family, that he deserves the utmost respect and that everyone is beneath him.

"Eliza, Nicco. Thank you for preparing this wonderful meal. Everyone, let's enjoy," Theodore announces, motioning for everyone to take their seats.

His eyes are watching me closely, as I sit near the opposite end of the table between Jules and Zarina. I very obviously avoided any seat directly next to him, which I know he doesn't like.

Everyone enjoys their food and makes meaningless conversation while I eat in total silence. I give Zarina and Jules the occasional nod to ensure that I'm listening, but to be honest I couldn't care any less about what they're talking about.

"Cos'è successo a voi due? Ieri non riuscivi a togliergli le mani di dosso e oggi sembra che tu riesca a malapena a guardarlo." Zarina whispers just enough for me to hear.
What's happened with you two? Yesterday you couldn't keep your hands off him and today it seems you can barely look at him.

"Beccato il bastardo a scoparsi la puttana dopo che tutti erano andati a letto la scorsa notte." I whispered back.
Caught the bastard fucking his whore after everyone went to bed last night.

Zarina drops her fork loudly on her plate, causing everyone to look in her direction. I look up to find Theodore staring at us with confusion in his eyes. Zarina snaps her head to the side giving me a look of anger. She then looks over at Theodore before spitting, "Il bastardo greco non ha rispetto.  Ottimo lavoro Adriano.  È già stata tradita e non ha nemmeno sposato lo stronzo."
Greek bastard has no respect. Great job Adriano. She's already being cheated on and she hasn't even married the fucker. 

My mouth drops open at Zarina's boldness. Mamma gasps, dropping her fork on the floor while fathers face burns a deep shade of red.

I can see Theodore's confusion in his face which is quickly taken over by rage as he processes what we're most likely talking about.

"Adriano dovrei ucciderti per quello che hai fatto a nostra figlia. And you." Mamma stands from her seat and points an accusing finger at Theodore.
Adriano I should kill you for what you've done to our daughter.

"Cheating on my daughter? Ridiculous. She's much too good for a piece of shit like you." When she's finished yelling, she storms out of the dining room as we listen to the click of her heels headed up the stairs.

All the color drains from my face as I look over at Theodore. His eyes boring into mine. His mouth is pulled into a thin line. No emotion is shown on his face. But his eyes are telling me how pissed he is.

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