Chapter 14

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She's your wife. Claim it, for Pete's sake.

Lalong napadiin yung hawak ko sa baso nang makita na sinusundan ito ng tingin ng mga tao habang patungo sa loob ng mansyon ng mga Callaghan.

Fine, she's popular. Indeed, popular.

Cray Calvry-Parker. She's indeed a big name. The daughter of the Tennis Princess. Legally adopted. The expections on her are too high. She's running the peak of her career after winning the first place in the Australian Open just last year. If it weren't in her injury, she wouldn't be here. For sure, she'll join the next competition to run for the Golden Slam just like her mother. Kaya hindi kataka-taka na hinahabol ito ng tingin ng mga tao kahit pa ng mga nasa alta. Just her name means an endless worth of multi-million projects. Who wouldn't want a deal with the Calvry's and the Parkers? Louella Calvry is a legend in the business industry. Alliston Parker is the Tennis Princess. They both turn everything they touch into gold, so they all say.

"Hey, would you like to have a dance? It's a shame you're sulking here in the corner." Mula sa pagsasalubong ng kilay ay mas lalong napakunot yung noo ko nang marinig iyon.

I've been turning down people for umpteenth time. Can't they still figure it out? I don't want to dance. I have been just waiting for that fuckin' dance from that woman who won't even ask me to.

"I'll be nice. I promise."

Pag-angat ko nang mukha ay bumungad sakin yung maamong mukha ni Leo. Auntie Leigh and Tita Vanilla's first born. He looks so adorable as he shyly smiled at me. Hoping I won't turn him down.

"May I?" Inilahad nito yung kamay nito at saka bahagyang yumuko.

I remember Essex in that gesture. Growing up, the only dance I have with is with my younger brother, Eris, and my Mom. Essex and Eris grew up in the island. Homeschooled there for good. And I really find it funny when they had their Prom and invited me to dance with them right in the middle of our parking lot where our parents made a blast music, flowing drinks, and laid down food.

Just to make it normal for the two.

"Take it." Eris nudged my sides. "You're becoming an eye sore here, Ember. Can't you just take off your eyes away from that woman? So, get up. Have fun."

I rolled my eyes at my sister's nasty remarks. Kasalanan ko ba na maging sya ay plano lang din naman magbutas ng bangko dito at wala namang kaplano plano maghanap ng ibang kausap bukod samin ni Essex? Hindi pa ba sila nababagot kausap ang isa't isa?

Naiiling na tumayo ako nang tumango lang sa tabi namin si Mommy. She's staying with us dahil si Mom ay nag-iikot ikot para daw kumustahin ang mga kaibigan ng mga ito. I saw her awhile ago talking to Mommy's bestfriend, Tita Aria. Kausap ito ni Elise at iniinterbyu. As I've heard, Elise is a writer that's been too controversial dahil puro kabulukan daw ng mayayaman yung ginagawa nitong topic sa mga libro nito. Enough to make her off for the alta.

Leo slightly bit his lip when I held his hand. Iginiya ako nito patungo sa dance floor. He shyly put his hand around my waist when the music turned slow and sweet. Ako naman ay bahagyang natawa dahil para na itong naestatwa.

"Hey, try not to turn into a stone, will you?" I tried cracking up a joke to warm him up. Baka kasi bigla na lang itong maging bato dahil masyadong stiff yung katawan nito na halatang naiilang.

Namula naman yung tenga nito at saka nahihiyang napakamot sa kanang kilay nito. Leo isn't that tall. Halos magkasingtangkad nga lang kami. Buti at hindi ko naisipan magheels ng mataas dahil magmumukha itong napag-iwanan kung nagkataon.

MamihlapinatapaiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon