Chapter 1-New Environment

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💗Yoona's POV💗
"Mum,are you okay?"I asked worrily.Mum has been sick for so long,that the doctor told me that living in Busan could help my mother's health.We just moved to Busan yesterday,and we need money.I decided to look for a job later.

"I am okay.You can go out and explore Busan yourself,I can take care of myself."replied Mum weakly.

"Umm...ok."I said and grabbed my bag and go out.

"Where should I look first?"I asked myself.

I spotted a few shops just around my house.I went to ask for a part time job in every single shop.Most of them didn't want to hire a high school girl like me,because they think that I am incapable of doing my job.And finally,after half an hour,I got a job as a cashier in a small convenience store.

"Thank you for letting me work here."I bowed to my boss.

"You are welcome."said my boss."We really need help here anyway,and you are going to have a co-worker,so don't worry about not knowing what to do.Work starts tomorrow."she added before dismissing me.

I am going to start school tomorrow,I haven't buy any books yet.I guess I can find a book shop around here.I feel so independent,imagine a few years ago from now,I was just this helpless girl who always needed my brother's help,now that I have grown up,I learned how to manage my own studies.

I walked a few steps and heard someone crying.I looked to my right,and saw a girl squatting on the floor crying.She seems very sad.My insides are telling me to not approach her and leave her alone.But my heart tells me to help her out,who knows?She may be crying because she dropped her ice cream.

"Are you okay?"I touched her shoulders and asked concernly.

"Y-yes.I am fine."She replied wiping off her tears.

She is about the same age as I am.I saw her wearing a school uniform that I am going to wear when I go to school.She is in the same school too.Maybe I can start here by making friends.This must be my lucky day!

I led her to sit on one of the playground benches near my house.I sat down beside her.Her tears had already dried by then and her hiccups from crying has stopped.Now is the perfect time to ask her what happened.

"Why are you crying?Maybe I can help you."I asked.

The girl looked at me and hesitate for a moment."Don't worry,you can tell me.I promise not to tell the third person."I assured her.

"I just saw my boyfriend cheating on me with another girl.And worst of all,the girl was my friend."she cried and buried her face into her palms.Great,her crying came back,how comforting of me...

"That good for nothing bastard!Who is he?"I asked,anger could be sense from my tone.I hate a lot of types of guys and the most hated one in my list,is a cheater,which is on top of player on my list.

"His name is Lee Min Ho.We have been dating for 8 months,and I found out that he have been cheating on me for 2 months.My friend told me that she saw Min Ho with another girl,so I came here to see for myself.I saw him holding the girl's waist and walking together..."She said.

"What a friend...."I muttered sarcastically and she glanced at me.Right,this is not the time for my sarcastic remarks."I mean,you deserve better."I said.

I handed her a tissue,and patted her back to comfort her.After her crying stopped and calmed down.She said"Thanks for comforting me."

"I can help you to beat him up,if you want."I said holding my fist.My late father told me that fighting can't solve anything,but when it comes to cheaters like this,I won't hold back my fist.

"I don't think that will solve my problem..."she said looking down.Of course I know fighting won't solve anything,but how?

"I got an idea!"I said,clasping my hands together.My eyes sparkle in delight as I pictured that idea in my mind and played it over and over again in my mind.Ha!This is a crazy and at the same time great idea!

"What?"she asked,breaking into my scheming mind.

"We can make him jealous,for example,pretend you have moved on to another guy."I said.Give him a taste of his own medicine,that will not physically hurt anyone.

"That is a great idea,that will show him!But,where do we find a guy?"

She has a point...Where do we find a guy?I have a brother,but I don't think that he want to take the job since he is going to teach in my new school.

"I can pretend to be your boyfriend.I can disguise myself as a boy."I said,remembering the Kdrama I just watched yesterday,it was about a girl dressing up as a boy to get into this all boys sports school.It works in the drama.

"Are you alright with that?"she asked.

"Yeah!We just need to know where he is going after school,and act in front of him."

"Speaking of school,I have never seen you before.Are you new here?"she asked.Yes!Now to the main point,making friends.

"Yes.I just moved in yesterday.What is your name?My name is Im Yoona."I said,holding out my hand.

"My name is Kwon Yuri,call me Yuri."She shook my hand and smiled.

"Hi Yuri!"I smiled back at her.

"You have a pretty smile."she complimented.Woop,I want expecting a compliment that fast.Sure,I received a lot of compliments when I was in my old school,but I am still not used to it from a stranger I just met.

"Uh...thanks."I said.How should I compliment her back?If I say that she is pretty too,she will not believe me.Oh,whatever,screw that!

"Can you tell me where is the book shop?"I asked her.

"Let me lead you there."she stood up.


We went to the bookstore.On the way there,we chatted and she shared with me a few things about her school,getting me prepared for my new school.After that,I went home.

"Hey,where have you been?"my brother Im Leeteuk asked.

"I went to the book store and made a new friend."I replied.

"Wow,sis.You sure are fast making friends."

"Yep,better than you.I am the better sibling after all."I said,flipping my hair behind my shoulders to match the cocky act I am acting in front of him now.

"Mum is sleeping now.So want to have chicken and beer?I mean coke?"he asked.He is a fan of "My love from the Stars".

"Sure.You go ahead and order.I am going into my room to pack some books for tomorrow."I went into my room and shut the door.I jumped onto my bed and lied down.

"Tomorrow is going to be a big day for me."

A/N:So how was the story?Pls vote and comment!😁

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