Chapter 23-Wedding bells

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(A/N:Imagine the wedding bells are ringing beside your ears.)

💗Yoona's POV💗

"Ms Im,do you want Xi Luhan as your husband?"the priest asked.

"I do."I replied.

"Mr Xi,do you want Im Yoona as your beloved wife?"asked the priest.

"I do."replied Luhan.

"You two are officially a married couple."said the priest.Luhan held my waist and pulled me into a kiss.We kissed in front of our parents and friends.

"Mummy?Are they kissing?"asked Taeyeon's son in the audience.

"Shh!"I heard Taeyeon said.

Little Byun has his father's genes after all.

(A/N:Let's fast forward to the ending,shall we?)

One perfect spring day,it's been 4 years since I got married to Luhan.

"Honey,are you sure we should do that?"asked my husband.

"Yes,Xiao Lu will be surprise."I said,knocking at the kindergarten's door.The teacher came and answered the door to let us in.

"It's his birthday after all."I said as I walked in.

"Are you Xiao Lu's parents?"asked the teacher.

"Yes,where is our son?"asked Luhan.

"He is in the playground playing with his friends."said the teacher leading us to the playground behind the kindergarten.

I spotted my son playing the see-saw with a little girl,Taeyeon's daughter.Taeyeon's daughter spotted me first.

"Yoona!"she called out.I told her to call me by my name,so that I don't seem that old.I am 29 years old only after all.

"Hey,Yeon Hee!"I said and carried her up.Taeyeon's daughter,Byun Yeon Hee.Her son's name is Byun Taehyung.I thought that the name might be teased by his friends since Byun Tae means pervert.But,Taeyeon insisted that the name is perfect.

"Omma!"yelled my son.He ran towards me too.

"I want abao!"he wanted me to carry him up too.

"Xiao Lu!Come to appa."said Luhan,squatting down.

"我不要!我要妈妈抱抱!(I don't want!I want mummy to carry me!)"said Xiao Lu.I guessed sons always stick with their mother.

"爸爸也是一样的,你没有我的话,你就不会存在在这个世界了。(Daddy is the same,if you didn't have me,you won't even be in this world.)"said Luhan.

"Don't tell him that.Xiao Lu,go to appa."I ordered.I watched as my son jumped into his father's arms,obediently.

"Is the cake ready yet?"I asked.

"Yes."replied someone from the door.It was Taeyeon.Taeyeon is the owner of this kindergarten.

We then celebrated Xiao Lu's birthday in Taeyeon's kindergarten.

This is my happily ever after,having a family with my high school sweetheart,Luhan.And giving birth to a son,Xiao Lu.I learned a little Chinese from Luhan,so our son knows how to speak Korean and Chinese too.

A/N:Finally,I decided to make this story short,so that you readers won't be bored.This is like those Korean dramas with only 20 more episodes.This is the final chapter,sadly.But!I am going to publish another fan fiction,staring Byun Baekhyun and Kim Taeyeon.You can see it at my page when I published it.Thanks,for reading this story everyone.Annyeong~

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