Chapter 21-I'm sorry

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💗Yoona's POV💗

After we shared our kiss under the winter fireworks,I got up and decided to go into the ballroom with Luhan.He suddenly grabbed my wrist,I looked at him and saw sadness in his eyes.

"Luhan?"I asked worryingly.

"I have something to tell you."he said with a very serious expression.I sat back down again.

"My mum came back."he said.

"Good."I said cheerfully.

"But...after graduation.My mum is going to send me to England to study for 6 years."he said.After hearing what he said,I felt like an arrow just shot me in the heart.He is leaving?And for 6 years?

"What?"I asked.My lips were trembling.

"I am sorry..."he apologized.I felt like my tears were going to flow out anytime.But I tried not to let them out.

"Okay."I replied,trying to hide my sadness.

"Huh?"he asked.

💗Luhan's POV💗

I was expecting Yoona to break down in front of me,and me comforting her.But she just replied ok to me,like she doesn't care.

"Huh?"I asked her to see if she is ok.She got up and turned her back,"I am not feeling so well,I will go now."she said and ran away.Leaving me there dumbfounded.She left my jacket on the bench.

I ran after her into the ballroom,but I can't find her.

"What did you do to Yoona?"asked Yuri angrily.Yoona's friends were all surrounding me with furious eyes.

"I was..."I stood back as they walked closer.

"Girls,Luhan has his reasons."said Baekhyun behind me.

"Yeah,let Luhan talk to Yoona first."said Sehun.

"Ok...Yoona is in the girls bathroom."said Taeyeon.I ran towards the bathroom,I can't barged in like that.It is the girls bathroom.But Yoona is in there.

"Luhan,don't tell me you are planning to--"I heard Chanyeol saying,but I have already ran into the girls bathroom.The girls inside just stared at me shocked.I knocked at every door and asked for Yoona.

"Yoona?!Are you in there?"I said as I knocked at the doors.

"Your girlfriend is in the last one."said a girl,pointing to the last stall.It is weird that they didn't scream or throw things at me,or yelled pervert.

I ran towards the last stall and opened the door,since the door was not locked.Yoona was squatting down at the floor,sobbing.She was surprised to see me,she quickly stood up and wiped her tears away.

"Luhan?"she whispered.I heard Chanyeol,Chen and Baekhyun's voice echoing in the toilet.

"Girls,girls!Luhan and Yoona need some privacy!"said Chanyeol.

"Please get out of the bathroom now."said Baekhyun.

"We will give out signatures if you all listen,we are the shooing agents."said Chen.

No one was in the toilet,but only us.I grabbed Yoona's shoulders firmly but gently.

"I am sorry."I apologized.I don't know what to say in this kind of situation.

"I know."she replied,still sobbing.

"I will be back after 6 years."I said.

"I understand.You have to study,I have mine too."she said,managing to smile a little.

"I am glad that you understand."I said and hugged her.

"I will not cry or weep,but I will wait for you."she whispered as I hugged her.

That was a long hug.I let go and her tears have dried.

"I am ok,just got a little emotional."she said laughing.

"I will be back after 6 years,in the mean time don't find other men."I teased.

"And you better don't find other England girls."she warned me by squeezing my cheeks.I gave her a peck on her cheeks.

"Can you stop giving me a peck?"she asked.

"Then what?Like this?"I said and pressed my lips against hers.

It was until graduation day,we said our farewells and hugged each other.

My mum also came to the graduation ceremony.

"Is this your girlfriend?"asked my mum.

"Yes,Mum."I replied.

"Hi,my name is Yoona."greeted Yoona who was standing beside me.My mother eyed her for a while,from head to toe.

"How is your results?"asked mum,looking at Yoona.I started to fear that my mum would ban us to be together.

"Straight A's."replied Yoona.

"Okay,welcome to the family."said my mum hugging Yoona.I stood there shocked by my mum.She accepted Yoona?

"Honey,when are you two going to have a baby?Oh wait,when are you two going to get married?I want a grandchild so bad right now!"she asked us.

"Mum!"I said.Yoona was blushing.

"Sorry."laughed Mum.My mum and Yoona had a good time talking,and I was just standing there waiting for their conversation to end.

"Luhan."said Yoona,after my mum walked away.

"Yes?"I asked.

"So...this is goodbye,huh?"she said.

"Yeah."I said while tucking her hair behind her ears.

"I am going to miss you."she said.

"Me too."I said and kissed her forehead.There was a sudden flash,flashing at us.I looked at that direction and saw my mum taking pictures of our moment.

"Mum.."I groaned.

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