Chapter 10-He's Back

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💗Yoona's POV💗

"Class,listen!"shouted Ms Kang,trying to get everyone's attention.

"We are going to have a class trip this Saturday.It's a two days one night trip at Winter Sea.Bring your luggage and your basic needs."said Ms Kang.The class started buzzing again,everyone was excited about the trip.

"Yoona,let's sit together,ok?"said Yuri.

"Sure.Do we have to bring any swimming suits?"I asked.

"Maybe,it is at Winter Sea after all."she replied.

"Hey,have you guys heard.There is going to be a transfer student in our class."said one girl behind me.I can always hear what the girls at the back are gossiping about,they were just too loud.

"But,our class is full."said another.

"I heard,that the newbie's family is so rich,his parents donated a lot of money to the school,so that their son could be in this class."

"But,why in this class?"

"No idea."

Wow,donate money to be seated in this class?What is so special about it?

"And class,we have a transferred student.You can come in now."said Ms Kang.The whole class became quiet as they stared at the newbie walking in.

He is tall and handsome.He looks quite familiar.Wait,don't tell me he is what I am thinking right now.I have already,well almost forgot about him.And he came back,right now?!

He scanned the whole class and looked at me.

"Hi,my name is Lee Jong Suk."he said without leaving my eyes.I was frozen right at my seat.

"Jong Suk,sit there."Ms Kang said,and pointed to a seat almost near mine.It is the seat behind me and to the left.

I pretended not to know him,as he walked pass my seat.

"Hi Yoona,long time no see."he greeted.The whole class was looking at us.

"I-I d-don't k-know y-you..."I trembled.I can't feel my legs.

Two years ago,when he left.I suddenly realized I actually like him.I just didn't know how to have a relationship.When I realized that,he told me that he was never serious about our relationship.I felt my heart broken just like that.I cried and didn't ate anything at all.I regretted that I didn't hold on to him when I still had a chance.

"Yoona?"he asked,breaking my thoughts.

"W-what?"I asked back.

"Let's meet later."he said,and went back to his seat.

💗Luhan's POV💗

"Hi,my name is Lee Jong Suk."the newbie greeted.

Lee Jong Suk?Isn't that Yoona's ex boyfriend's name.Or did I heard wrongly.I looked at Yoona,and saw her trembling.

She looked worried and shocked at the same time.That newbie walked pass her seat and said"Hi Yoona,long time no see."

She answered him ,still trembling.She looks like she was in deep thought.

"Yoona?" said the newbie.

"W-what?"stuttered Yoona.

"Let's meet later."he said,and sat on his seat.

All the girls were staring at Jong Suk.And some were glaring at Yoona.

Yoona was still looking pointlessly at her desk,she was frozen right there.I put my hand in front of her eyes and shook lightly.She saw my hands and woke up from her thoughts.

"Huh?"she asked.

"Is that?Perhaps..."I don't know if I should ask her.

"Yes..."she answered softly.I could see tears in her eyes as she looked down.I felt concerned.

During recess...

"Yoona,was Jong Suk your childhood friend?"asked Yuri.

"No."I replied.It hurts when I talk about him.

"What are you guys talking about?"asked Tiffany.Yuri started telling all of them about Lee Jong Suk and me.

Why does he have to come back?

"Yoona."said a voice.I looked up and saw Jong Suk.

I didn't say a word,because I don't want to talk to him.

But he suddenly grabbed my wrist and led me outside of the cafeteria.He pulled me to the school's garden.

"Let go of me!"I shouted at him.He let go and stared at me.

"Why do you have to move to Busan?Why do you have to come to this school?!And why do you have to be in that class?!"I asked.A lot of questions were asked.But he just looked at me.

"I missed you."he said softly.

My heart beat a step.

"No,you don't!"I said looking away.

"Yes,I do.Let me explain."he pleaded.

There is no explanation for his act two years ago.He broke my heart and he still dare to show up.I glared at him,and intended to run away.But his grip was so strong,I can't pull away.

"Two years ago,I knew I will be moving to America to study abroad!And it hurts to say goodbye,when I wanted to kiss you that day,you moved away.It made me realized you don't even like me a bit!"he said.

"That's not true!I liked you back then,I just didn't know how to show it!"I replied.Tears started flowing out from my eyes,and down to my cheeks.

"Now that I came back."he said.

"Can we start over?"he asked softly.

He wiped my tears off my cheeks gently.I missed his touch,but I cried for nothing two years ago.And now he wants me back.I am not that innocent girl anymore.

"My heart has changed.I don't like you anymore."I cried.I tried to fake a smile,but it doesn't work.Do I still like him?Or was it just the anger I am feeling?

"Even if you don't like me back,I will never end my love for you."he said.

"I-I don't think I will like you back like before."I said and ran away.The path was so vague that I accidentally bump into a person.I looked up and saw Luhan.

💗Luhan's POV💗

I saw Yoona running my way,looking down.She didn't saw me and bumped into me.She looked up.And I saw her eyes full of tears.I looked at her back and saw Lee Jong Suk,the guy that broke her heart.

"It's okay,Yoona."I patted her back gently,trying to comfort her.

"I am here."I said.She cried and hugged me tightly.She buried her face onto my chest.

While she cried,I patted her back gently.

"It's okay..."I repeated.Resting my chin on her head.I saw Lee Jong Suk walking away,he may be guilty.

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