Chapter 13-Sick

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💗Yoona's POV💗

I have been here for half a year and I know the school very well now.It would be weird if I don't.

Jong Suk has been my friend since January and Luhan was avoiding me almost everytime.

When I asked him a question,he just gave me a cold shoulder.He has been acting coldly towards me.I haven't seen any girls around him since January too.

He is changing,like he is not interested in girls anymore.

Today,when I arrived at class.I saw Luhan's seat empty.I thought I was the only one late,fortunately the teacher haven't arrive.

As the class starts...

I looked over Luhan's empty seat.

I thought of a lot of reasons why Luhan is absent today.He was okay yesterday.What if he got into an accident?What if he is in the hospital right now?What if he is doing a major surgery now?A lot of thoughts were in my mind.

"Ms Im!"Ms Jung called my sir name.

"Y-yes?"I stuttered.Did she realize I was day dreaming.It is not my fault that my seatmate is not here.I am so concerned.

"These are Luhan's homework,can you pass it to him?"she asked,handing me three note books.

"Oh.Ok..."I said.

After school...

I know where his house is.Should I go to his house now?Or should I just give it to him tomorrow.Is he in a hospital?What if he is really in the hospital?!

I walked and thought about all the things that is possible.I didn't realize I reached Luhan's door.

I rang the doorbell.It took a moment for him to answer the door.

He stood there looking at me lifelessly.

💗Luhan's POV💗

I heard the doorbell rang as I was lying on my bed.When I woke up this morning,I felt so cold and weak.I can't even get up from my bed.I missed school and slept the whole morning.

I heard my door bell rang,I wondered who came to visit me.Xiumin hyung?Or Sehunnie?

I went to the door lifelessly.I used all my strenght to walk towards the door.I opened the door.

And there stood Yoona.She looked at me and smiled.Wow,that was a very healing smile.

I smiled back at her and suddenly,everything turned black.

💗Yoona's POV💗

When I saw Luhan in one piece,I smiled at him.I was so grateful that nothing bad happened to him.

He smiled back at me and his eyelids closed slowly.He fell lifelessly on me.I almost fell too,with his weight on top of me.He just fainted.

I put his arm around my shoulders and balanced him to his bedroom.I rest him down gently onto the bed and covered him with his blanket.

He looked sick.

I leaned in my forehead and rested my forehead against his.I heard from my mum,the best way to measure the temperature of the sick person,is to press your forehead against the other.

His forehead was burning really hot.I realized how close our faces are,I looked at his closed eyelids and his perfect nose,and then to his lips.The thought of how perfect he is, made me blushed.

Stop it Yoona!This is not the time to blush!I quickly got up and walked towards the bathroom.Is there a towel I can use to cool down his temperature.I got a basin and filled it with water.Next,I grabbed one of his towels and went in to his room again.

I put the towel into the basin and twisted the towel.I rested the towel on his forehead,to cool down his temperature.

After repeating the steps,I decided to cook some porridge in the kitchen.I went to the kitchen and saw yellow notes on the fridge.It was the recipes I taught him last time.They were still there.I opened the fridge and saw some food in there.He really went to the groceries every week,as I ordered.I felt proud of him.

I started preparing the porridge while Luhan is sleeping in his bedroom.

💗Luhan's POV💗

I woke up feeling better.I was in my bedroom now.Was Yoona visiting me just a dream?I sighed,and got up from my bed.A wet towel slipped down from my forehead.I looked at the basin beside me.Was I sleep walking too?

I walked out of my room and smelled something cooking.I walked to the dining room and saw Yoona setting a bowl on the table.She didn't realize I was standing right behind her.

I had the urge to hug her.I walked towards her and hugged her from the back.She suddenly stopped what she was doing.

"Luhan?"she said.

"Sorry..."I said,still not letting go of her waist.

"Sorry for what?"she asked.

"For acting coldly towards you."I said.

"Why have you been acting coldly to me?"she asked.

I let go of her,and she turned around to face me.

"I don't know why..."I said.I can't let her know that I like her,she obviously doesn't like me back.

"Nevermind,I forgive you."she said.

"This is a poridge I made just for you.Sit here."she said,pulling out the chair.I nodded and sat on the chair.

"Thank you."I said,staring at the poridge.

"You are welcome.Eat up.You were so sick just now."said Yoona.

I ate and she stared at me as I eat.

After finishing the poridge,I said thank you to her.

"Thanks for coming.You can go home now."I said,getting up from my seat.

"These are yours."said Yoona,giving me my homework.

"Thanks."I said and coughed.

"You are still sick.Do you need to go to the clinic?"she asked.

"No,it's just a cough."I said.

"By the way,how did you get sick in the first place?"she asked.

"I was practicing for our new comeback lately,and I just ran home when the rain was pouring down.I got wet and caught a cold."I explained.

"I think I will stay longer."said Yoona,walking towards the sofa.

"Are you sure your mum don't mind?"

"She really likes you.I will tell her when I get home."she said,switching on the television.I sat beside her and watched the television too.

She laughed when Lee Kwang Soo from running man did something funny.I stared at her,her laugh was cuter.

She looked at me,and I instantly blush.

"OMG,your cheeks are turning red.Are you feeling unwell?"she asked.

"N-no.I am fine."I said.

"Ok..."she replied.

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