Chapter 16-Do I like him?

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💗Yoona's POV💗

These few days,when I talked to Luhan,I found myself blushing.Does this mean I like him?No way!Yoona!You can't like a boy who probably doesn't like you back!

I rowed myself around and around my bed.I stared at the ceiling.Do I like him or not?

💗Luhan's POV💗

I can't sleep again.I kept thinking about Yoona,why am I so lovesick?

She is just an ordinary girl,but prettier.Luhan,control yourself.What if I can't stop myself from blushing tomorrow when I am sitting with her?Ugh...

Next day in school...

I tried to avoid Yoona,but it seems like she was avoiding me too.We were repeating this same routine the whole day.

At the Practice Room...

"Luhan,it is so obvious that you are avoiding Yoona.That doesn't solve anything."said Xiumin Hyung.

"Yeah Hyung,don't let us down."said Baekhyun.

"I am a Luyoon shipper,Hyung!"said Chen.

"Can you guys please stop,I can't control myself when I talked to her."I groaned.

"Just confess."said Kyungsoo.

Everyone in the room looked at him.

"What?Confession can solve the problem.If she says that she likes you back,then you both can start dating.If she decline,then I will lend you a shoulder to cry on."said Kyungsoo without any expression on his face.

"I don't have the guts to confess."I said.

"We will support you,Hyung!"said Baekhyun.

"Yeah,Luyoon!Luyoon!Luyoon!"chanted Chanyeol.Everyone in the room started following Chanyeol's lead.

"Alright,I will try."I said.I walked out of the room.

💗Yoona's POV💗

Taeyeon has invited the four of us to come to her house for a slumber party.I packed my pajamas and my daily stuff into my bag pack and went to Taeyeon's house together with Yuri.

"Hey,welcome.Come in,come in."we were welcomed by Taeyeon's mother at the door way.

"Hello Aunty."we greeted.Taeyeon's Mum was so kind to us.

We went upstairs to Taeyeon's room.Her room were full of stuff toys.I spotted one teddy bear with a 'Happy Valentines' phrase written on it.

"Who gave you this on Valentine's Day?"I asked,examining the bear.

"I will tell you guys later."she said,and grinned brightly.

"What should we do?"asked Tiffany.

"I know,hide and seek."suggested Seohyun.Four of us looked at her with a 'Seriously?' look.

"How about,truth or dare?"suggested Yuri.

"Good idea!"we agreed to Yuri's idea.We began spinning a bottle,five of us sat in a circle.

The bottle pointed at Taeyeon.

"Since I am the one who spun the bottle,I will ask you truth or dare."said Yuri,smirking evilly at Taeyeon.

"Truth."said Taeyeon.

"What is your relationship with Byun Baekhyun?"asked Yuri.

"I already said that I was going to tell you girls,but I will tell you girls now."said Taeyeon.She cleared her throat.

"We are currently dating.Like for four months now."said Taeyeon proudly.

"I think Tiffany and Seohyun already knew it,look at their expressions."I said.Yuri and I were the only ones who doesn't know this secret.

"I didn't mean to keep this from you two,it's just that saying it in the cafeteria is dangerous."explained Taeyeon.

"Ok,I forgive you."said Yuri.Taeyeon then spun the bottle.The bottle pointed to Tiffany.

"Truth or dare?"asked Taeyeon.

"Dare."replied Tiffany.

"Ok...I dare you to go downstairs and poked my brother in the stomach."said Taeyeon.

"What?Poke him in the stomach?"asked Tiffany.

"You chose dare.Down, now."said Taeyeon getting up.We all went downstairs and Taeyeon's brother was watching tv.Tiffany poked him and ran upstairs as fast as she could.We all laughed at Taeyeon's brother's reaction.

"Your dares are ridiculous."said Tiffany looking at Taeyeon.Tiffany spun the bottle,and it pointed to me.

"Truth or dare?"asked Tiffany.I am kind of scared what dare Tiffany would say.

"Truth."I replied.

"Do you have any romantic feelings for Luhan?"she asked.This question pulled all of their attention towards me.

"W-what?"I stuttered.

"Romantic feelings.You know,love him as a man."explained Tiffany.

"I...I..."I gulped.

"The clock is ticking."said Tiffany,looking at her watch.

"Yes!"I shouted.I was shocked by the answer that came out from my mouth.Everyone stared at me.Do I like Luhan as a boy?I was touched when he first help me from the kidnappers.And I was touched when he bit up Jong Suk for me.

"You do?"asked Tiffany.

Yes,I do.I do love him.The voice in my mind kept telling me that.

I nodded.

"Ahh!!!I knew it!"squealed Yuri happily.All of them squealed like crazy fangirls.

"You finally fell for him!"said Taeyeon.

"Wait,how about the bet?"asked Seohyun.

"To admit he is manly?"asked Yuri,furrowing her eyebrows.

"I already thought that he is manly a long time ago.Just didn't tell him that."I said.

"Why don't you confess to him?"asked Taeyeon.

"I don't know.What if I get rejected?"

"Wake up girl.Almost all the boys in school are in love with you.Luhan will fell for you too."said Yuri.

"Should I?"I blushed.

We finally fell into a deep slumber.

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