Chapter 4-Did u feel anything?

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💗Yoona's POV💗
Should I thank him?Well he did helped us,or I would have punched Min Ho and maybe spend the night in the police station.I admired his popularity,even the cheater was scared of him.He is sitting beside me now,probably sleeping again.

"What?"he suddenly asked.

"Huh?"I asked back.

"Why are you staring at me?Am I that handsome?"he smirked and looked at me.

"No.I just wanted to thank you about yesterday..."I said.

"I can't hear you,speak louder."

"Thank you!"I spoke louder.People in front of me looked at us.

"What?".He is faking.

"I said,thank you!"I said.

"I can't hear you~"

"Nevermind..."I replied and leaned my head against my desk.

"You can't even plan your revenge properly.You think dressing up is a good idea?"he spoke with sarcasm.

"We can't find any boy to do it."I said.

"Aren't I a boy?"he asked,pointing at himself.Why is he suggesting himself?Even if we ask,I bet he won't agree.

"I meant,a manly boy."I teased.

"Am I not manly enough?"he frowned.

"Maybe a little on the girly side."I replied.

"I will show you how manly I am."he said and moved closer to me.Our faces were an inch apart.His eyes were staring into mine.He has a pair of beautiful eyes,I thought.

I pushed his shoulders with my both hands.And put on a 'I don't think that you're manly' look.

"Did you feel anything?"he asked.

💗Luhan's POV💗
When our faces were an inch apart,my eyes were staring into her's.I suddenly felt my heartbeat racing by the second.My heart was thumping so loudly,that if the class was quiet,everyone will hear my heartbeat.I had a lot of girlfriends before,but my heart doesn't feel anything at all when I am with them.Strange...

"Did you feel anything?"I asked her,trying to hide the thumping of my heart inside me.

"No.Guess you are not manly enough."she chuckled.Hearing her saying that,I kind of felt sad and disappointed.

"I am manly.Wanna bet?"I asked.

"Bet what?"she asked.

"If you fell in love with me,you have to say that I am manly"I said.I didn't know where that came from.I regretted saying it,but I can't take it back.

"But,if you fell in love with me,you have to stop being a playboy.Deal?"she said and put out her hand.

Stop being a playboy?That is hard.But,I will definitely won't fall in love with her.I am the one she will fall in love with first.

"Deal!"I shook her hand.

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