Meet the Cast

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You are a senior in high school. You usually do the right thing, but keep finding yourself in messy situations lately. Sometimes I use a tiktokker cast as Y/N for style inspiration but this story I'll do things differently.


Your partner in crime since elementary school but that could all change with her new crush.


Amelie's twin and your friend just as long but things got super awkward earlier this summer when your Amelie admitted he had a crush on you. 


Rounding out the friend group is this trio.


Your big brother and you used to be super close. You were even in a band together until he got accepted to college on a basketball scholarship recently. Now he doesn't seem to have time for music or you anymore.


Jaden's teammates and current best friends. They are the life of every party... including the ones you have no business being at 


Everything changes when you meet your brother's teammate at his first game and what follows is a complicated entanglement. Will you be the one to change his fboy ways or will you get heartbroken? 

Game Changer: a Josh Richards' StoryWhere stories live. Discover now