twenty seven

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*・。゚ੲੳ ⠜⡠ ∗ ♡ ∗ 𓂂 ๋

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*・。゚ੲੳ ⠜⡠ ∗ ♡ ∗ 𓂂 ๋ .

y/n's pov—
2 days left

i woke up next morning with a massive headache. the rays of the sunshine hit my face directly making me shift from side to side in my bed.

i groaned loudly and sat up, when a sudden wave of all of the events from yesterday passed by my head, quickly making me widen my eyes and cover my mouth in immediate embarrassment.

"what the fuck?! i must be crazy, I said that to him?!" i said almost pulling out the hair out of my head. i massaged my temples trying to think straight, with a horrible hungover.

i texted my mom hoping she would let me skip the day but she never answer, which lead me to only one option. going to school and probably throwing myself off of the rooftop.

I shook those thoughts away and hopped in the shower, hoping to refresh me for the day that was waiting ahead of me.

"woah~ you really said that to him?  you're insane." sua basically yelled making the few students that were in class, turn to us.

"why don't you said it again, but in the school announcements this time? wouldn't it be better?" jin said sarcastically, bothered at her tone and volume.

"sorry— but y/n, how are you going to face him? i mean what are you going to do?" sua added, taking my hands in hers and giving me a worried expression. I sighed and looked down before answering.

"I am not sure. I'm not sure if im supposed to confront him about it or just avoid it and pretend that I forgot or something." I said taking my hand back and covering my face with my palms whilst they all comforted me.

they was a short silence for a second, as they didn't know what to say exactly until a thought crossed ju's head.

"can I tell you my honest opinion...?" the girl said, playing my a strand of my hair. i gave her a curt nod and she continued. "i think you should just be honest because if you keep lying to him, he won't take you seriously." she said, turning to me. she left me speechless because she was right.

i somewhat spaced out thinking about what ju had said, not noticing suho had entered the classroom. no sign of seojun.

"hi y/n, is everything okay?" he said after i gave no reaction to him stranding in front of me. i blinked a couple of times and finally noticed his presence.

"hi suho, yeah! just didn't get enough sleep." i gave him a small smile and he nodded while patting my head. he headed to his seat afterwards and i got ready for class.

i was honestly a little scared since i am his seat mate. i took a deep breath and decided to just tell him the truth.

am i still confused..?

3rd person pov—

y/n ended up falling asleep. shortly, seojun came in and almost immediately noticed the sleeping girl. he simply looked away, scrolling through his phone as he didn't want to pay attention like the usual.

mr. han came in after a while and everyone settled down ready to start the class.

"okay class so today we are going t-" he stopped as he looked around noticed from an angle, that y/n's seat was empty. he raised a brow and the class began looking around.

"is y/n not here today?" everyone in her row turned to the side revealing her laying her head down.

"did she just fall asleep in my class?" he said making other students laugh. suho looked at y/n's seat and mentally facepalmed himself, as the younger was just careless.

seojun on the other hand, kicked her foot harshly which made her let out a loud whine.

"oww!" she said making all the attention go to her. she looked back at seojun who was no longer looking at her.

"oh sorry mr. han, i was uhm praying." the girl said making the whole class laugh even harder, except the two males. mr. han chuckled at her lame excuse but decided to ignore it and properly start the lesson.

y/n glanced at seojun who placed his head down and decided to nap. she sighed and now looked at suho, on the other side of the room, who was actually paying attention.


y/n met up with her friends right after the bell rung. as they walked together, the girl noticed suho in the distance and decided to approach him.

"is there anything going on today?" sua said out loud.

"mm i think they're serving soup today!" ju said excitedly.

"uhm you guys go first, i'll be right there in a bit." she turned to her friends before leaving to the male.

"hey" he spoke softly after noticing her presence. "hi, I was wondering if we can mayb-" she was interrupted mid sentence by a male voice.

"sorry, i just need to talk to you for a second." she turned around only to make eye contact with seojun.

suho rolled his eyes, not being able to do anything about it since the other male had already left with the girl.

the pair walked quite a bit as they headed to the back of the school. once they arrived there, seojun let go of the girl, whilst she looked around the area.

"i think we need to talk." she gulped harshly.


"about yesterday, don't act like you don't remember." he paused, not breaking eye contact, and neither did she.

she was thinking about the close proximity between them, and how easily he could kiss here right there if he truly wanted to. she didn't know why she was thinking about that in a serious situation like this one, but she quickly snapped out of it.

"y/n, did you really mean what you said?"

written by leyrai

in my head | han seojun Where stories live. Discover now