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*・。゚ੲੳ ⠜⡠ ∗ ♡ ∗ 𓂂 ๋ .

My heart dropped as those words left her lips

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My heart dropped as those words left her lips.

"Uh y-you want me to introduce you guys?" I asked the obvious, refusing to understand it the first time feeling the hint jealousy and frustration building up inside me.

"Yea?" she chuckled "You two aren't dating or anything though right?" She added but quickly answered herself before I got the chance to say another word.

"I mean... of course not, right? You were always afraid of talking to guys and you were too...um...unattractive, for it anyways" she chuckled, taking her own comment as a joke.

I raised an eyebrow and quickly stopped her in Korean. "Listen Olivia. We were classmates, not friends. You have no right to talk to me like that. Just because you never saw me with a 'guy' doesn't mean that I never talked to one." I yelled, making people around, look at us.

I grabbed my bags tightly and headed towards the exit of the mall. I stopped quickly to leave her some last words.

"And for the record, I'm pretty sure I can get more guys than you" I flipped my hair and continued walking towards the exit, leaving the girl speechless.

"What happened to Olivia darling?" My mom asked, looking behind me to see if she found any trace of the girl. "Don't worry about her mom, let's just go home."

"You sure?" she looked at me with a worried expression, but I simply smiled at her, reassuring the woman.

time skip—

"So she asked you to introduce you to him and then proceeded to insult you?!" Sua said, beginning to raise her voice, as she sat down on my bed next to Jugyeong and Sujin.

I decided to invite my friends over to tell them about this current situation, since it low-key caught me off guard and they know exactly how I feel about Seojun.

"What a bitch" Sujin said rolling her eyes.
"That's exactly what I'm saying" I replied while looking at Sujin.

"The nerve that girl has— I just can't. wow" Jugyeong said crossing her arms, dragging out the 'o'.

"Dude, I know. Who does she think she is to be talking to me like that when I only invited her to my house back in Australia like 2 times! And it was only for a project." I said walking in circles around my room, still frustrated about the previous events.

Sua began applying nail polish in her other foot and she paused "Fuck. I messed up." She turned to me. "By the way, I don't need to even tell you that you're obviously not introducing them— Right?" Before I could answer that she cut me off.

"If she came to you at least with a good attitude— more...normally? then maybe and only maybe, you could've done so" she added, then pointing the nail polish brush towards me.

"Alright, let's change the topic before we all get headaches from this" Sujin said as we all came together.

"Wanna watch some movies?"

next day—

"Okay guys, so today I decided to teach a simple lesson, then we will have a small quiz after this and then you guys are free for the rest of the period! what do we think?" Mr. Han said making the class cheer and clap in excitement.

"Okay, you guys will practice on family in English and then we will have a small quiz regarding family members" he explained, now getting some boo's from most students.

"Mr. Han! That's not fair! Some students here are fluent in English!" Taehoon whined while looking directly at me, making the whole class laugh. "Well then her quiz will be in Japanese" he said making the rest once again laugh.

lunch time—

"I can't believe you passed with the highest grade in the class on a japanese exam, when everyone else had English" Jugyeong said whining as she looked over her grades that weren't as pretty as mines.

"What can I say, I've been studying Japanese since I'm fluent in Korean and English" I said in a unintentional cocky tone. I chuckled as I heard Jugyeong whine again and continued to speak. "But its okay, I can help you study whenever you want" I smiled at her and her explain quickly changed to a smile in return.

"Hey, uhm Y/n can I talk to you really quick?" Seojun said as he came up to our lunch table. I jumped a bit as I wasn't expecting him to pop up out of nowhere. "Oh yea sure hold on." I said, getting up from my seat almost immediately.

I looked at my friends and they gave me 'the look'. "Don't worry y/n, we'll be here when you come back" Jugyeong said, discreetly reassuring my panicked self.

I gave them a curt smile while then walking away with Seojun in front of me leading the way.

"Okay first of all, are you okay? You look kind of pale and awkward" He said getting closer to my face checking if I was okay.

I felt his eyes travel around my body innocently. His piercing gaze made me feel more nervous than I already was and I felt my face getting hotter the more he looked at me.

"Yea I'm fine, just—just what do you want?" I said crossing my arms below my chest trying my best to stay calm. "Well I was just wondering If you wanted to hang out tomorrow...?" His words made me widen my eyes almost immediately.

I thought he said that he wasn't going to reach out to me anymore.

"Oh yea? Erm sure! At what time?" I said as I shook that thought away for a minute. I was into hanging out with Seojun because he was a fun person and because i had a crush on him. I smiled to myself and continued paying attention to him.

"Oh I'll pick you up at 1pm, and I know what I said before but I really wanted to hang out with you, plus is the weekend" he said as he scratched the back of his neck. I chuckled at his actions.

"That's fine" I said with a small smile plastered on my lips. I then began walking away when he suddenly spoke again.

"Oh one more thing..."

"Hm? What is it?"

"Can you bring your friend Olivia?"

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