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*・。゚ੲੳ ⠜⡠ ∗ ♡ ∗ 𓂂 ๋ .

"She's on her way" Sua said and I bit my lip

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"She's on her way" Sua said and I bit my lip.

After some time of waiting the door bell suddenly rang and Sua stood up.  She headed to the entrance and opened the door revealing Jugyeong.

"Hey guys...what is up with this gloomy environment...?" Jugyeong asked as she noticed that neither of us were talking. "Um so I think I chose someone..." I said and Jugyeong faced me.

"Soo...?" She said indicating me to continue.

"I've chosen...S-Suho"

She chuckled

I looked up at her since all of this time my head was down. I expected a different reaction, yet she was now laughing in front of me.

"You're such a bitch y/n!" Jugyeong said as she became totally serious. I looked at Sua who simply nodded and gave me a glare.


"I gave up a man for our friendship and you couldn't do the same?" She said and I widened my eyes

"I-I thought you said it was okay..?" I stuttered, as I nervously said, never experienced in this side of hers.

"That doesn't mean you do this y/n?! I thought you were better than this" she said looking at me disgusted.


"Get out" Sua said as she pointed at the door.

I slowly stood up and headed towards the door. I stood there and I looked at them one last time. They both raised an eye brow waiting for me to leave.





They slowly started fading and I found myself opening my eyes

The room was very bright and I found myself on a bed

where am I?

I thought and as I adjusted my vision, I saw both Sua and Jugyeong.

"G-Guys?" I said and they both shot their eyes at me.

"How are you feeling?" Sua said as she held my hand.

"I'm okay, but what am i doing here?" I asked and then Sujin entered the room.

"You fainted in the mall. Turns out you had a very high fever" Sujin took over before Sua could answer, handing me a cup of warm tea.

"Here, you need it" she added and with that she sat down like the others.

"Thank you"

There was a silence in the room, now that the conversation was over and no one else had nothing to say. I'm pretty sure that everyone else found it rather comfortable but I felt very awkward as the previous dream that I had traumatized me.

"S-So what happened, like the full story?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Well...to be honest, I didn't hear most of it because I wasn't there. I was told tho, that you were having an argument with Seojun and Suho. Do you remember any of that?" She explain and asked. I raised an eyebrow trying to remember the past events.



"Let's make this clear once and for all! I'm not yours. I thought you wanted to hang out with that stupid bitch Olivia. I brought her to you and then I leave not being yours. BUT IF I MEET SUHO THEN IM YOURS?! The fuck?!" I cursed at him frustrated at these same events that repeat often.


"Y/n?! Is this why she has been closer to me lately? You're doing this for THIS jerk?! How can you mess around with someone's feelings like that? I'm not someone who you can give to" he said as tears formed in his eyes, but didn't dare to let them escape. You could hear the pain in his voice.


end of flashback

wow...I'm a total asshole

I thought as I spaced out

"Well, they both visited you but then left like a couple minutes ago. By the time you were going to say something, you fainted. It was pretty random so all of us ran to you" Jugyeong explained further and I nodded.

"Alright, do you guys mind if I'm alone for a bit?" I asked and they all shook their heads.

"No worries babe, call us if anything" Sua said as she handed me my phone. I nodded and I saw them walk away, finally leaving the room.

They visited me?

I don't remember clearly what happened since it all got mixed up with the dream that I had but I do know something,

I can't choose one

I'll end up hurting all of us if I choose, I'm going to let fate do it's thing and maybe, I'm not even meant to be with either of them. Maybe I am meant to be with someone whom I've never actually payed attention to or something. 

But if it's like this, then I'll let them come to me. I cant keep hurting others and myself for some stupid boys who at the end, come and go.

My mother always said, "there is plenty of fish in the sea" and I'll take her advice into consideration, as I never needed before

I should focus more on myself as well. Clearly I haven't been doing so which leads me to where I am today.

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in"


The door swung open and I widened my eyes seeing the two together.

"Suho? Seojun? What are you guys doing here?"

"We came here to apologize...it's our fault you're here right now" Suho said and Seojun nodded, agreeing with his statement.

"I— um well, I don't remember exactly what happened but I'm the one that should be sorry. I think I started all of this but it's okay, I'll put it beside me and act like nothing happen" I smiled at them and they did the same

What I was really trying to do was push them into being my friends again so I had no more problems.

"So y/n..? Did you choose someone?"

Author's message

Hello beautiful people 💓 sorry for the kinda short chapter? I'll do a double update today! I'm currently in summer camp and to be honest I've been really tired lately but I was excited to write this. Thank you all so much for 8.7k reads! It's a dream and I still can't believe it's real! Please vote and comment on your favorite parts so I know I'm not writing something boring for you guys, and follow my Instagram @taegiforlifebisses for more content! I'm going to start writing short stories and imagines :) so stay tuned for that 💓 thank you angels, have a great rest of your day and I hope tomorrow you have a great, productive and fun day!

- taegi♥

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