twenty nine

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*・。゚ੲੳ ⠜⡠ ∗ ♡ ∗ 𓂂 ๋ .

no one's pov—

y/n arrived home later that day, filled with a mixture of emotions that were all coming up at once.

she plopped on the couch and remembered how much she needed her sister in moments like this.

whenever she had problems, y/n loved to go to her sister, make hot cocoa and do their nails while talking about whatever that was bothering her that day.

she sighed deeply and pulled out her phone, quickly dialing in a number.

after a few rings, someone picked up. "honey" it was mom.

"mommy." the girl smiled as the previous voice brought her comfort in her helpless moment.

"what happened sweet girl? is everything okay?" she asked reading the tone in her voice almost instantly. y/n also only called her that when she has been under a lot of stress and just feels like crawling back into her bed sheets.

"everything is good here, how about you guys?" she spoke softly.

"well, everything is well but to be honest we got sick over here. we are just glad to be back tomorrow."


"that's very unfortunate, but I'm glad you guys will be here soon. I'll drive myself crazy any minute now." y/n joked with a small chuckle at the end of her sentence, making the woman on the other end, laugh.

She paused, smiled and continued. "I love you mom" she said hugging her knees with her free hand. "I love you too, angel. i'll see you tomorrow okay? you should go get some rest and drink some tea." mom spoke concerned about the initial way y/n answered the phone. y/n nodded as if she could see her.

no later, she hung up the call and stared at her surroundings.

she thought about the decision she had to make, all the feelings to consider and almost no time to make a decision. it felt almost drowning to be in the same headspace as y/n.

the girl began biting her nails out of stress. this was a habit that was hard to cut and it had only been fully stopped for almost three years.

she quickly realized her actions and slapped her own hand off, earning a small smile from her silliness.

should someone come over?

y/n's pov—

"hello?" after a few rings, the person picked up.

"hey, what are you doing?"

"nothing." the person stayed silent for about three seconds. "did you dial the right person?" confused, the tone changed.


"can you come over..?"


not too long after, the door bell rang. the blood rushing through my veins and my heart beating faster than ever. I stood up and quickly headed to the door.

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