🦋Two Rubies and one Emerald🦋

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𝘼𝙧𝙘 2 𝙝𝙖𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙜𝙪𝙣!!!


3𝓻𝓭 𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝓥𝓲𝓮𝔀:

"Damn shitty, fucking tie! "

A tired pomeranian yelled, also knows as Bakugo Katsuki.

"Here let me help you. "

A red hair muscular guy stated.
Eijiro Kirishima.

He had been watching his boyfriend struggle with the same tie for almost ten minutes straight, trying his best not to laugh he eventually decided to offer his help.

"Tch, this tie is fucking cheap! "
"That's the only reason why it's not working! "

The blonde grumbled, his ruby eyes sending dozens of glares at the red tie.

"Not that I mind, buuut what's gotten you so interested in wearing a tie all of a sudden? "

"Especially to school. "

The red head asked, carefully placing the tie around his temperamental boyfriend's neck.

"W-well it's our first day as third years, why wouldn't I wear a tie?! "

Katsuki spat out, his hand subconsciously fiddling with the other.

"Mmh ok so are you gonna tell me the truth oor am I gonna have to find out later??"

The red head half asked, he wrapped the tie one more time before it was perfectly done.

"I'M NO-"

"Bite it katsuki! "
"I've known you long enough to know when your lying or when your nervous and right now your both. "

"Come on Kat talk to me. "

"Tch, it's just... "

The blonde inhaled the deepest breath he could manage and slowly exhaled as his butt found the surface of Kirishima's bed.

"Izuku's mom is finally allowing him to come back to U. A, and yeah me and him have talked and face timed. "

"But me and Aunty haven't exactly talk, talk, the occasional hey and awkward silence yes but that's it. "

"And in order to make sure Izu actually gets to stay at U. A and graduate next year with m-US! "

"Then I need to make sure Aunty believes I really changed, and that he's in good hands, mi-OUR hands! "

The blonde finally took a breather after explaining all that was on his mind.... well almost everything.

"I see... "

"So Medobro is coming back AND I get to see my boyfriend in a tie. "

"Not to be a bragger but today is probably the best day of my life!"

The crimson eye red head excitedly said, jumping up and down before grabbing his blonde boyfriend and rushing them both out of his room.
If they didn't leave soon both of them were gonna be late.

"Thanks Ei your sooo helpful. "

The blonde commented, rolling his eyes as he let himself be dragged by his boyfriend

"Oh.....sorry Kat. "

"Look, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about Mrs. Midoriya loves you like your her own son, and her finally allowing Midobro to come back to school means she's finally learning she can't keep her son at arm's length. "

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