🦋Falling for a piece of broccoli🦋

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𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐕𝐢𝐞𝐰:

The couple found themselves cuddling with one another under Eijiro's huge ass blanket, while quietly talking among themselves.
It started with how Katsuki was not a horrible human being he's just a good person who made mistakes and is now learning from them.
Then it switched to Kiri liking a certain greenette.

"I'm serious Ei, I want to know when you realized it. "

The blonde laughed out, punching his significant other in the arm a little.

"Ok, ok jeez.... well honestly I'm not sure. "

"I think I came to the full realization when I saw Mido changing into his hero costume. "

Kirishima began to explain, before getting cut off by a smirking Katsuki.

"Wooow babe didn't know you were such a pervert. "

"I- Wh- NO! "

"I'm not a pervert!! "
"Plus don't act like you don't sneak glances at him every once in awhile! "

Kirishima yelled shoving the blonde a little, before pulling him closer again.

"Anywaaaay as I was saying.... wait what was I saying? "

"You were talking about how you were looking at Izuku's body and thought it was sexy~"

Bakugo whispered trying to keep his voice as low as possible, successfully sending shivers down the red heads spine.


"Damn it Katsuki! "
"We need to actually be serious.... please I don't want our relationship to end because we're not talking things out. "

Eijiro cried out, his crimson eyes beginning to water.
He really loved Kat, even if he was finding out he had feelings for another that didn't mean he loved Bakugo any less.

The blonde kissed his boyfriend's forehead in hopes that it would stop the tears that tried to spill out of the red head's eyes.
After a good few seconds Bakugo decided to speak up.

"It's gonna be ok Ei I promise."

"You have my full attention now."
"No more joking around I promise. "

"Pluuus I really wanna hear how you realize you fell for a piece of broccoli~"

Kirishima snorted at that comment before talking again.

"I realized I couldn't tear my gaze from him and then the more I thought about it the more realize I get the same feeling with Mido that I do with you. "

"It's not as strong but it's there. "

"And then the time he jumped on you and wrapped his legs around your waist I realized I actually didn't mind that to much, it actually kinda t-----".

Eijiro mumbled that last part burying his face into the blondes chest.

" I'm sorry? "
"What was that? "

Bakugo teased.

"I said.... I might of.... gotten turned on. "

The red head stated before curling himself deeper into the blanket and his boyfriend.

"Oooh my~"

"And here I thought you might of been hurt or jealous. "

"Shut up! "

Kirishima whispered yelled punching Bakugo again.

"Hehe not happening. "

"Well maybe I'll stop right now but only because I told you I would a few minutes ago. "

"But you bet your sexy ass I'm getting you back for all the teasing you've done to me. "

Katsuki proudly declared.

"Alright fair enough. "

"So yeah that's pretty much it, I've kinda always had feelings for him even in first year, but I remember thinking him and Todoroki were together, so I didn't bother."

"Plus I really liked you. "

Kirishima admitted his face turning extremely red for no reason.

"Heh makes since, I thought icyhot was the reason Izuku ended up with the hanahaki disease. "

Bakugo also admitted, but he didn't feel embarrassed just upset about having to think about that horrible disease.

The red head nodded his head before changing the subject a tad bit.

"Speaking of Izuku, if he is with his father then what? "

"Then we're busting him out of there! "

"There is no way in hell I'm allowing that bastard to continue hurting Izuku. "


"It all makes since now!! "

The blonde whispered yelled sitting up in the process.

"What does? "

Kirishima asked confused at his boyfriend's sudden energy.

"That's why Izuku had that panic attack when I yelled at him! "

The red head 'O' at his boyfriends observation before adding onto it.

"And why he said he wasn't useless, he probably was having a flash back! "

"Exactly! "
"Oh my fucking-! "

"When I see him tomorrow I'm gonna force him to tell me everything! "

The blonde whispered yelled.

"Kat..... you know you can't do that. "

"We need to approach the subject lightly or he might go into another panic attack. "

The red head explained trying his best to be the voice of reason.
If he was being honest he wouldn't even wait till tomorrow to get Midoriya.

But they had to think logical about this, and if Bakugo was to force the greenette to tell them anything he would only push them away.

"Tch, well what the fuck do you suggest?"

Katsuki asked, laying back down and taking the red head down with him.

"Let him come to us. "

"Ei that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard you sug-"

"Just let me explain. "

"We'll give him two weeks ok? "
"If he realizes we're not telling anyone about his situation, then he'll think he can trust us. "

"Which he can. "

"Which means he'll come and talk to us. "

Kirishima fully explained.

Both of them were now laying down cuddling yet again.

"Tch, I don't wanna wait that long, but I guess that's all we can fucking do. "

"Which sucks ass! "

The blonde yelled, causing the red head to have to pull away from there cuddling session.

"Oop my bad. "

Bakugo whispered pulling his boyfriend closer to his chest.

"No worries. "

"Now let's get some sleep, we still have school tomorrow. "

"Love you Kat. "

"I love you too. "

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