🦋Acting professional🦋

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𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐕𝐢𝐞𝐰:

Hisashi lead Bakugo down a rigit hallway, the walls smelt like mold, which raised the question for Bakugo 'how is he staying here yet not fucking sick??'.
Which brought an even more worrisome question 'what if Izuku's sick?'
It was obvious he was alive or Hisashi wouldn't be selling him still, but what if he's overly sick and he ends up dying??

With that thought the blonde was even more determined to find Izuku.

"Before we go in.... "

Hisashi started, stopping in front of a chipped door.

"You should go ahead and hand me the money. "

"Tch, not till I see Iz- the boy. "

Katsuki growled out, clenching the suitcase that had all the money, before comimg up with a good explanation.

"I wanna make sure he's in good enough condition before I give you squat. "

Hisashi inhaled a deep breath waying out his options, as far a he knew this was the big guy and if rumors were true SR doesn't give a shit on what the 'product" looks like as long as they are usable.
Which means unlike others buyers he won't mind that Midoriya looks all beat up.
So really he was his only option if he wanted to get rid of Izuku before the pro's find him.


And with that he slung the door open and slipped down stairs, Bakugo following behind, adrenaline pumping in his vains.

He just kept having to remind himself whatever Midoriya looked like he had to keep a stone look.
No attacking.

However that was much, much, much easier said then done as soon as he laid eyes on the freckled boy.

Izuku Midoriya, the once freckled bright teen was now slumped over, only really in his boxers badly bruised and beaten up.
His legs looked broken and his face didn't look much better.
He looked like shit to put it simple.

"That's him?"

Katsuki asked trying to tame a growl.

"Yep, he's actually a real beauty, believe it or not, and his body is even better. "

"I should know, I've test it out myself if you know what I mean. "

Hisashi declared, with the most sickening smirk across his face.

The blonde wanted to throw up then beat the living shit out of the men in front of him.
But he couldn't.
Izuku's life was on the line, and he promise Ei he wouldn't do anything stupid.
He had to act professional.

"Tch, when can I have him?"

Bakugo asked, walking closer to the beaten greenette.
Who quickly took notice of the familiar voice.


Midoriya whined, trying his best to call out the blonde's foreign nickname, but due to not talking in awhile he was struggling.
Luckily the blonde caught it and knew exactly what he was trying to say but was hoping a certain someone wouldn't have a clue.

"You can have him now, as long as you hand over the money of course. "

Hisashi stated, holding out his hand for the suitcase.

"Tch, unlock him. "

Katsuki ordered, which of course hisashi did just that.
He wanted his money and he was gonna do whatever he can to get it.

"Stand up bastard! "

Hisashi yelled kicking the greenette, who bit his tongue in hopes he wouldn't make a noise.

"His legs are obviously messed up. "

Katsuki grumbled.

"Yeah well that's his fucking fault. "
"He has quite a mouth, but after a few punishments, he finally learned to shut his trap. "

"Tch, I'll just carry him. "

Bakugo declared, trying his damnest not to lose it. 

"Wow eager are we? "

Hisashi laughed.

"I don't blame you, he is quite fun. "

The blonde clenched his teeth, he wanted to beat the living shit out of this men sooo badly, and he was about to till a certain someone whined again.

"--ki -elp -e"

(Suki help me)

"Shut up you mutt! "

Hisashi yelled, getting ready to kick him again, till Bakugo grabbed his neck and pushed him against the wall.

"Ack what the hell! "

Hisashi yelled, swinging his legs back and forth, but Bakugo had quite the hold.

Katsuki knew he fucked up big time, racking his mind trying to come up with a good excuse.

"He's mine now. "
"So don't fucking touch him."

And with that the blonde threw the money at him and picked up Izuku who whined at the contact.

"I hope you enjoy him! "

Hisashi yelled while counting his money, an extreme smirk across his lips.

"I got him. "
"I'm taking him to a hospital right now. "

Bakugo stated through an ear piece as he ran and ran.
He wasn't taking chances on Hisashi following them because he 'changed' his mind.

"Good job Bakugo. "
"Me, Hisashi, and Kirishima will meet you at the hospital. "
"Just text us the location. "

And with those words the pro's stormed into Hisashi's place and easily beat him since he was obviously drunk and didn't expect them.

"Ka-  -t hu---"

(Kacchan it hurts.)

"Ssh Ssh we're almost at the hospital. "
"It's ok I gotcha. "

"--ere ki--? "

(Where's Kiri?)

"Hmm? "
"Are you asking about Ei? "

Izuku nodded his head not having much strength to talk anymore.

"He's on his way don't worry."


Midoriya mumbled.
And with that he officially past out.

~~~𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚙~~~~

"How is he?"

Aizawa asked running into the hospital room along with Hizashi and kirishima.

Bakugo looked up from the greenette to his boyfriend then his teacher.

"He's in a mini coma right now. "
"The doctors say he may be a sleep for a few days, a week or even a month. "
"But he will awake. "
"Both his legs and nose was broken".
" His jaw is fractured but luckily not broken."

Katsuki explained, in the mist of his explanation Kirishima had made his way towards the blonde and quickly hugged him from behind.

"But other then that he's gonna live right?"

Eijiro asked, he buried his head in Katsuki's shoulder seeking some sort of comfort.

"Yeah, he's gonna live. "

Bakugo confirmed, causing everyone in the room to inhale deeply.

"Thank god. "

Hizashi whispered, tears slipping pass his eyes.

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