🦋The deer and its photographer🦋

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𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐕𝐢𝐞𝐰:

The red head teen ended up finding his boyfriend sitting in front of the water fountain, his hands covering up most of his face.

Kirishima knew he had to approach his boyfriend lightly.
He had to think twice before speaking and make sure not to show sympathy in his voice or the blonde will accuse him of pitying him and that never goes well when it involves Bakugo.

He was like a deer, and the red head was the photographer trying to take a close up photo with out scaring him.

"Kat, what are you doing? "

Kirishima finally asked, after a few good minutes of them just sitting in silence the blonde finally spoke up.

"Did he cry? "


"Tch, did I make Izuku cry?"

Bakugo asked again this time being more clear.
Though he thought he was clearer before.

The red head made a 'O' face before replying.

"No, he was more worried about what he did wrong. "

"You know typical Mido behavior. "

Katsuki only hummed at his boyfriend's response.
He knew he should apologize but his pride was still his biggest problem.

But he was working on it.

And as for the red head, he knew he needed to do a little convincing to his blonde hair boyfriend in order to get him to apologized.

He didn't need to ask why Katsuki acted the way he did.
He already knew.

After a little incident that happened last year.

See the red head had heard a rumor going around that Mina had kissed his blonde boyfriend and when Kirishima confronted the two about it they all quickly realized the rumor was started from class B infamous student Monomo.
But then later that day Kirishima ended up choking on his milkshake because he drank it to fast and since the blonde was in the other room only hearing his red head boyfriend coughing and choking.

He ended up not only going into a panic attack but also beating the shit out of Monomo for not only lying but giving Kirishima that dreadful disease.

Of course when the blonde had found out later his boyfriend only was choking on a drink, he felt extremely embarrassed and didn't talk to anyone for almost two weeks that includes Izuku.

Kirishima eventually got Bakugo to open up and tell him what was going through his mind and they worked it out.

They both realize anytime someone who Bakugo was close to coughed or even choked he immediately had flashbacks.

"Katsuki.... You know you need to apologize to him. "

"I know. "

"And explain to him it wasn't his fault. "

"I know! "

"Jesus Shitty hair can't you just-"

The blonde quickly stopped his rant realizing what he called his boyfriend.

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