🦋I'm not hungry🦋

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"Omg Deku-kun is that you!? "

A peppy brown hair girl yelled jumping in front of everyone else.

She knew that Izuku had gone through with the surgery and that his mother decided to make him to go to U. A online but she had no clue that he was gonna be back and none less looking like the latest goth kid.
Not that she minded, he was still her best friend.

"Hey Uraraka. "

The greenette greeted with a half hearty smile before getting thrown into a hug by the brunette hersd.

"I missed you soooo much. "

"Why didn't you call or text? "

"I had to learn about everything from Bakugo! "

Uraraka half yelled half whispered.

"I'm so sorry, my mom had gotten me a new phone and I only knew Katsuki's number because it was written on a sticky note. "

"Please forgive me! "

Izuku explained feeling kinda guilty.
He wasn't sure if Katsuki even knew who Uraraka was.... and he didn't want the blonde to think the only reason they talked was because he wanted his other friends number.

"W-wait Katsuki? "

Uraraka asked her eyebrows forrowed in a questioning manner.

"Yeah, you know Bakugo. "

The greenette stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world as he pointed at the blonde pomeranian who was staring out the window absent mindlessly.


"Oooh right, I totally forgot that was his first name. "

I lied, forcing out my best giggle.

Why isn't he calling him Kacchan??

Was Bakugo really his crush?
If so why would he lie and tell me other wise??

Tch, Blondie better know because it's quite obvious Deku-kun can't answer that.

3𝚛𝚍 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚅𝚒𝚎𝚠:

"Alright class, sit down. "

A tired monotone voice spoke up, causing everyone except Izuku to scammer to their seats.

"Hi Mr. Aizawa! "

The bubbly greenette greeted.

"Hey kid, good to see you again. "

"Your gonna sit right between Bakugo and Kirishima over there. "

"Since you left, a couple years ago Shinso joined the class. "

Aizawa mumbled with a tired yawn at the ending.

"Oh no he didn't get kicked out because of me right? "

Izuku asked worriedly or at least it seemed like he was worried, in reality he all ready knew the answer to that question.

"Nope, he was able to stay. "

"Now sit so I can start teaching "

"Yes sir. "

𝙰𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚜~~

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