🦋I'm not useless🦋

579 19 2

🦋Longest chapter I've done in a long while lmao😜✌





"So are you gonna tell anyone you live with me now? "

Aizawa asked once the movie had ended.

"Probably not. "

I replied truthfully digging into the rest of my delicious ice cream.

"Ok.... well then are you gonna at least talk to Shinso in front of others? "

"He is your brother now. "

"Or is that a strong word? "
"I know y'all have only known each other for-"

"It's fine Aizawa. "

"Of course I consider Shinso as my brother. "

"And he's the one who told me not to talk to him. "

"He doesn't want his 'loner vibe' to be ruined. "

I mocked causing Aizawa to choke on his coffee a tad bit.

"Alright then changing the subject.... Do you like anyone? "

"What's it to you? "

I half asked in old jersey accent.

"Well obviously so I can torture you by teaming you up with her. "

Aizawa teased, well some what anyway.
I'm pretty sure he really would do that.

"I think you mean him. "

I exclaimed.

"Oh? "
"Is this you coming out to me? "

Aizawa half asked.

"Oh.... you and I both know you already knew I was gay. "

I stated finishing up my ice cream soon after.


𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚍𝚊𝚢....

𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐕𝐢𝐞𝐰:

"Goooood morning Katsuki and Kiri!"

The greenette exclaimed hoping they two had made up.


"Morning Midobro! "

Both Kirishima and Bakugo greeted back.
Bakugo was looking out the window while the red head was smiling brightly at Izuku.

"How'd you sleep Mido? "

Kirishima asked trying to hide his worried look, he had definitely noticed the dark bags under Midoriya's eyes, but he didn't want to bring it up if Izuku didn't wanna talk about it.

"Quite great actually. "

Midoriya lied covering it up with a brighter smile.

"How about you? "

"Tch your a fucking liar. "

The blonde mumbled.

"W-what? "

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