🦋I promise🦋

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"Who's oblivious? "

"No one. "

"Did you enjoy your shower? "

Zashi asked, thankfully changing the subject.

"Uhm yes? "

"Good, because we still need to talk about last-"

"I already did. "
"He's not gonna do it again right? "

I added, glaring at Midoriya.

"No more sneaking out. "
"I promise. "

"Tsk, good. "

"Now me and Zashi are going to bed, please keep it down. "

"Or I will expel all three of you. "

Aizawa threatened, grabbing his husband's hand and leading him to their bedroom.


"Sooo what should we do now?"

Broccoli boy asked, turning his attention on me and Ei.

"We should watch a movie!!"

Ei exclaimed, pumping his fist in the ear.

"Sounds good to me."

"What about you Suki? "

That nickname!!!

"Yeah sure nerd. "

"Great! "

"Me and Kat will make popcorn and you can go get the pillows and blankets!! "

My red headed boyfriend practically squeal, grabbing a hold of my hand in the process and dragging me to the kitchen yet again.

Men he's adorable, especially when he's excited.

"Alright babe stop pulling!"

I laughed out, lightly shoving him off me.

"Pff sorry. "

"Tch, whatever. "

"What do you think we should watch? "

I asked, searching through the cabinets
for popcorn and other types of snacks.

"Umm I'm not sure. "
"I guess we can let Mido decide. "

"Right now we need to plan how to ensure he's safe at all times. "

Ei brought up out of no where.
He to me switching from light to dark quickly.

"Look Ei, I obviously wanna discuss the subject.... however not where Izuku can easily hear. "

"We don't wanna risk him pulling away from us remember?"


"I just.... I think we need to talk about it soon. "

"And we will.... just not right now. "

"I know your worried baby, but right now he's safe. "
"He's with us, and two pro's. "

I disclosed as softly as possible, finally finding the popcorn and chucking it in the microwave.

𝟑𝐑𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰:

"Your right. "
"I know your right.... I'm just worried that's all. "

Kirishima mumbled, slightly embarrassed.

The blonde started UK the microwave before making his way towards his red headed boyfriend.

"I know you are... "

Bakugo paused, grabbing the red Head's arms and bringing him closer for a hug.

"But we're here and we'll make sure he's safe. "

Katsuki finished with a small kiss to his boyfriend's forehead.

"Thanks Kat."

"Your amazing. "

"Tsk, obviously. "

Katsuki declared with a huge smirk.

"Pff I love you so much. "

Ei giggled out, shoving his head in the blondes shoulder.

"I love you too. "

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