🦋Orange peddles🦋

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🥀Ok so if it's not clear already izuku was the one who made the noise out side of karishima's door when they were kissing. ( ˘ ³˘)♥
🥀lol and look at the picture it's adorable 🥺

𝘗𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦.


How could I be so stupid?!

I should of known Kacchan wasn't in love with me.

After all I'm just a useless Deku.

All those thoughts kept revisiting my mind as I sat next to my bathroom toilet.

After I witness hearing kacchan say he loved karishima I couldn't hold back my tears.
Then I started feeling nauseous, as I ran to my room I started getting this ruff cough which caused me to cough up blood same for when I thru-up.
Only it wasn't just blood that was in my vomit  it was also pedals , orange flower peddles?

Maybe I'm dreaming, I mean you can't just cough up flower peddles theres no way.
Yeah that's it I'm-
Right then my rusty cough came back only this time it wasn't rusty it was harsh and very painful as I coughed up more flower peddles and blood.

𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨?

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔫𝔢𝔵𝔱 𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤

3𝚛𝚍 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚟𝚒𝚎𝚠:

Izuku woke up in a puddle of his own blood/vomit with orange flower peddles mix in.

He spent all night emptying his stomach even after he had no more to vomit he was still vomiting. And his cough didn't die down either it just got harsher and harsher causing  more pain each time.


"Nerd get your ass up and open the door for me!"

Kacchan yelled outside my door.

Right at this moment he was the last person I wanted too see.
All the memories started coming back which caused me to have a coughing hissy fit.

"Oi Deku!"
"Whata ya doin in there?!!"

Kachan yelled banging on my  door louder.

Which was not helping my growing headache.

I stood up and tried to hold in the cough as long as I could while yelling back

"I'm fine Kacchan don't worry."

"Like I'm worried about you, I just don't want to be found in the bottom of a lake."

Kacchan responded.
I knew he was joking but it still hurts to hear.
I mean what if that was true what if he's only been doing all this because my mom threatened him?
I was thinking so much I hadn't realized I was having another hissy fit with my coughing.

"Oi deku open the damn door right now before I blow it to smitherins!"

"I-I'm F-Fine Kachan j-just go away p-please".

I begged.
I didn't want him to see me like this I looked horrible.


"Deku I'm coming in one way or another I'll give you to the count of 5 by then I sug-"

before I finished my sentence Deku was opening his door slightly montioning me to come in which of course I did.

"Now Deku why in the hell were yo-"

I stopped in my tracks as I starred inside his bathroom there was blood everywhere and when I turned around Deku look like a fucking ghost.

"Oi what the hell is this??!

I yelled concerned.

"K-kachan I-I think I h-have a cc-cold "

Deku responded coughing a lot right after he spoke.

"What kinda cold includes coughing out blood!!"

I yelled again I'm disbelief this time.

Which made him start to cry and quiver.

"I-I don't-

He paused, trying to breathe but the coughing and him crying wasn't helping at all.

"Oi deku calm your ass down"
"Take deep breaths".

Deku nodded his head and started following what I was doing.
" In"
*Hissy fit of coughing*
"Another hissy fit of coughing*
But he stopped crying.

I took a deep breath in and started rubbing the back of my head trying to think.

"Well you can't go to school t-"

as I spoke Deku ran in the bathroom and started vomiting.

He was vomiting blood and.... and flower peddles?

"Oi deku what's up with the flowers? "

I asked knowing he didn't know either.
He shrugged the question off and started vomiting again.

3𝚛𝚍 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚟𝚒𝚎𝚠:
After a few minute Bakugo picked up Izuku and took him to bed bringing an allmight trash can next the bed.
He tucked Izuku in as the greenette focused on his breathing.

"I'm gonna go get recovery girl, she'll know what's going on, and I have to get to school ok?

The ash blonde informed the freckled boy as he rubbing Izuku's head.

The green hair boy turned around facing away from kachan mumbling,

" Yeah ok".

Bakugo could tell the green hair boy was mad at him but he didn't want to ask about it at least not till the greenette was better.

"I'll take notes for you as well."

The ash blond said hoping for an answer but in returned got silence.

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