🦋Weird American food🦋

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𝙻𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐....

𝐌𝐫. 𝐀𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚:

If I could describe this dinner with one word I'd label it 'Awkward'.

It hasn't felt this awkward since.... well the first night Midoriya spent here.


"He doesn't have any more family members."
"His mother died and his father turned out to be abusive. "

The social worker in front of me stated, she hadn't stopped looking in her folder since I got here.
And as for me I couldn't stop starring at  Midoriya.
The once strong, bright and happy boy was now scrawny, bruised up and terrified of legit everything.

When I pulled up my chair earlier it made the screeching sound and I pretty much saw his soul leave his body.

I came here because me and Hizashi decided to foster another kid.
Our first one was Shinso who also came from an abusive family and we ended up adopting him after six months.
We probably would of done it sooner but he had some trust issues we needed to break through but we eventually got there.

"Sir are you listening? "

"Mmh? "
"Yeah of course. "

"I actually know him. "
"He was a student of mine a couple years ago before his mother pulled him out for an unknown reason. "

"Y-you knew my mother? "

Midoriya asked.
Finally speaking after so long.
His voice sounded croaky and strained, and his once bright eyes looked so.... so dull.

It was at that moment I decided I was gonna take him under my wing.

"Umm sorta? "

"Do you remember me? "

I asked secretly hoping he did.

"Yeah kinda. "
"You were my home room teacher, there was times you had that scary smirk on your lips and other times you just looked tired. "

Midoriya whispered, literally whispered I had to strain my ears just to hear him.

"Heh yeah...... well to be honest that's more of my teacher act. "

"As long as you promise not to tell anyone I'll let you in on a little secret. "

I whispered keeping my voice low trying to not scare him.

"Secret? "

"Yep it's my darkest secret. "
"So I need you to promise not to tell anyone."

"Ok deal. "

He whispered, a small smile appearing on his face.

"I might be a scary teacher but I'm a loving father, both me and my husband are. "

"And I would really like it if you accept me as your guardian and maybe one day your dad. "

"Umm I don't know.... "

"That's fine, you can think about it and I'll come back in a couple of weeks. "

"I'm afraid sir that won't be possible. "

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