🦋Top secret soup🦋

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3𝙧𝙙 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙑𝙞𝙚𝙬:

"Sooooo this is Mr. Aizawa's place. "

"Wow it's huge! "

The red head exclaimed looking up at the two story mansion.

"Yeah well like I said before present mic also live here because their married and since both of them are pro's-"

"Their rich as hell! "

Bakugo yelled, interrupting the small green bean by accident.

"Ha yeah.... "

Izuku bunglingly said picking at his face a tad bit.

The Uber dropped them off at the two pro's gate, since he couldn't go any further and then drove off after the red head paid of course.

"You know the pass code right? "

Katsuki questioned.

Izuku rolled his eyes at that comment before typing in the small code all while answering.

"Of course I do. "

As all three boys walked on the sidewalk leading to the staircase and then the big ass door.
Kirishima got a wicked idea, and knew exactly the excuse he could use.
So with a determined sight he stomped behind the greenette and quickly wrapped his arms around his waisted making to where he could successfully carry him like a prince.

"Aack! "

*𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑* *𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑*

"What are you *𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑* doing?! "

Midoriya squealed, only tightening his hold on the red head.

"Mido your sick. "
"What kinda gentleman am I if I allow you to walk all the way up these stairs?! "
"Not a manly one that's for sure! "

Eijiro beamed.

"Look thank you very much Kiri for the thought but I can walk on my own! "

The greenette try to argue yet again but neither one of the boys was allowing it.

"Sorry nerd but Ei had a point. "

"Unless you'd rather have me carry you? "

Katsuki teased sending Midoriya a wink in the process.

*Midoriya Ex. has stopped working*


"While your showing Ei where to go, I'm gonna make some soup for you and....is there any thing specific you want. "

The blonde asked turning his attention to the red head who hadn't put much thought in eating anything.

"Uh.... Soup sounds nice! "

Eijiro exclaimed, he was overly the top excited.
He hadn't had his boyfriend's top secret soup since the last time he himself was sick and that was months ago.

"The soup *𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑* *𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑* ingredients are kept in the door of the pantry, which is right *𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑* next to the stove. "

Midoriya informed the blonde, who just hummed at him signalling he heard what the greenette had said.

"Oh and Ei,"

Bakugo paused, making sure his boyfriend was paying attention before continuing

"Make sure to tuck him in, he needs to be bundled up, even if he complains about being hot. "
"It's important he stays covered up. "

Katsuki stated before walking completely off.

"Gotcha! "

Kirishima whispered yelled, making sure to keep in mind that Izuku still had a headache.


"Do you have any more blankets? "

The red head asked from inside Izuku's closet.

Midoriya didn't quite catch what Kirishima had asked, he was to busy silently panicking at the fact that his whole room was decorated in Almight and eraser head merch.
Over time he slowly became about as big of a fanboy for Eraser head as he was with Almight.
Of course he had a few different types of hero stuff decorated in his room here and there buuuut it was mainly a mix of Almight and Eraser head.

Including his bed sheets being themed black and grey with blue and red pillows.

"Mido? "

"Oooh Midooo! "

Eijiro exclaimed, now inches in front of Izuku, waving his hand in front of the freckled boy's face

"Mmh? "
"Oh sorry. "
"What was the * 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑* question? "

Midoriya asked, finally breaking out of his mini panic.

"Ppfff you ok? "
"Also do you have any extra blanket, kat told me to make sure you were bundled up so that's exactly what I'm gonna do! "

Kirishima exclaimed.

"Oh uhm.... I think I bought an Almight golden age blanket the other day. "
"But I can't really *𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑* 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑* remember what *𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑* I did with it. "

Izuku coughed out, he was only feeling worse as the minutes passed.

"Mmh I see. "
"Well then I guess what you have will need to do! "

"So lay down! "

"Please... "

The red head ordered, moving Izuku's blankets to the side for the moment.

"Yes sir~"

Izuku teased, giggling a little when he noticed how red Eijiro's ears had become.

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