🦋Open your eyes🦋

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I really did just publish a chapter ahead AGAIN!!!! Whyyy am I like this 🤣🤣🤣🤣



Mmh why the fuck does my head hurt so badly?

And where the hell am I??!

Come katsuki think what do feel around your surroundings.

I ordered myself as I tried my best to feel around with out being detected.
There was definitely something engulfing my body it felt kinda ruff and itchy.... oh a blanket which means I'm probably on a bed.

"When do you think he'll wake up? "

I heard an all to familiar voice ask, it was filled with worry.
Definitely Ei.

What happened before now?
Was there a villain fight?
Did the league try kidnapping me again??
Shit what if they got someone else!??!
Ei is still here so I know he's safe..... oh my god what if Izuku's in danger!!
Then aunty inko will pull him out of school and I won't be able to see him ever again!!

Or worst comes to worst and he ends up dy-dying!!


"He should be awa-"


"What's happening!? "

Mido asked, as me and RG looked over at Bakugo's heart monitor it was going off like crazy.

"Recovery girl what's going on!? "

I asked this time which seemed to snap her out of whatever trance she was in as she rushed over to my boyfriend side while speaking.

"It seems he might be having a nightmare.... I'm not sure. "

A nightmare?

"Bakugo wake up! "

RG yelled shaking him a bit.

"I am awake you o-old hag! "

"I just don't wanna open my fucking eyes!"

"Kat don't yell her! "
"She was worried, you seemed to be freaking out about.... well I don't know what. "

I stated getting on to him a little bit before sitting next to him.

I stared at him for a good few seconds before looking over at Mido who was giving me a questioning look but I just shrugged my shoulders at him indicating I didn't know.

"Why aren't you opening your eyes? "

Kat huffed at my question, I guess  contemplating on rather or not he should answer.

"Because I don't want to. "

He simply answered, squeezing his eyes lids tighter.

"Why not? "

I asked trying to pry the answer out of him, all he has to do is either answer the question or open his eyes and then l'll drop it.

"Because I don't want to hear you say Izuku is kidnapped or worst dead! "

How is closing his eyes gonna help him not hear me say something like that???


"Katsuki what are you talking about? "
"I'm right here, and as far as I know I'm alive heh. "

Izuku awkwardly giggled out, causing Kat to snap his scarlet eyes open and look at the green bean for a good minute.

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