🦋He hates me.🦋

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𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐕𝐢𝐞𝐰:

"Ya know this place definitely doesn't feel all that welcoming. "

Spoke a long hair orange guy, his eyes were bright green and he had a huge scar across his left cheek along with another going across his neck.
He worn a Navy shirt with blue jeans and was cuffed with the table while staring at both Almight, Nezu and Aizawa who had requested to come and with a promise that he wouldn't loose and and would stay professional he was allowed to come and of course Naomasa.

"Yes, well this room is for questioning suspects not for your comfort. "

Nezu declared.

"Are you thirsty? "

Almight asked, a fake smile presenting in his features.

"No thanks. "

The men answered.

"Seiji Raiden. "

Nezu started.

"Excuse me?"

The orange hair guy asked with a discussed look coming across his features.

"That's your name. "
"However the streets know you as SR."

Naomasa explained, one of his eyebrows raising.

"Tsk, I don't kno-"

"Don't bother with denying it. "
"We have quite a bit of proof. "

"Your known for buying and selling teen boys and girls. "
"That's of course after you use them up."

Aizawa informed him, trying his best to keep his cool.

"Tsk, you don't ha-"

Before he could finish his sentence  Naomasa slapped a huge folder of photos and a list of witnesses.

"Trust me when I say we have plenty of proof. "
"Enough to have you go to prison for life."

Naomasa declared.


Seiji mumbled under his breath.

"Fuck indeed. "
"However that's not what we're here to discuss. "
"We're here because we need your help."

Almight exclaimed.

"Oh? "
"And what exactly to you need my help with? "

"You can start with telling us about that boy you were gonna pick up at some point. "
"The one that looked like a broccoli. "

Naomasa started off.


"Ei dinner's almost done! "

I yelled.
Classes had been cancelled for the next three days for an unknown reason.... though I think I know exactly the reason.
But anyway which meant we could go home and that's exactly where I'm at.
Along with Ei.
He can't exactly go home due to his mom being a homophobic bitch.
We don't talk about it often, but I know it hurts him every time he thinks about it.
Especially since they were really close when he was younger but then he told his mom we were dating and she.... she didn't have the best fucking reaction.

"Mmm it smells sooo good!!"

Ei exclaimed running down stairs and plopping down on a chair.

After a lot of convincing he finally forgave himself and stopped apologizing.
I know Ei, just like he knows me and I'm sure he's not gonna hit me again.... unless were having a little fun...

"Here you go! "

I exclaimed handing him a bowl of ramen.

"Hells yeah! "

He went to dig his face in before looking straight at me with most dirtiest look ever.

"And where's your bowl?"

I knew he'd notice.
I should of made a run for it.

"I'm not really hungry at the moment. "

I replied a little to quickly.

"Damn it kat. "

Ei huffed out.

"What!? "
" I'm not fucking hungry!"

"No, you just don't wanna eat. "

Ei countered attacked.

"Tch, whatever. "


Ei whined, before smirking.

"Ok fine. "
"If your not gonna eat then I'm not gonna eat. "

He declared, while standing up and placing his food on my counter.

"What the-"

"You can't do that! "

I hollard abruptly standing.

"I can and I'm gonna. "
"And that's all I'm gonna say about the subject. "

"Kirishima Eat. "


"EAT! "

"NO! "

By now both us were huffing and puffing, this is so stupid.

"Ei you deserve to eat, so fucking eat!"

"And you think you don't?! "

"Because news flash Katsuki if you don't eat then how are you gonna protect me or Mido?? "

"You'll be to weak to do anything!"

"I'm not fucking weak!! "



"And Mido would say the same. "

"No he wouldn't. "
"He thinks I'm a bully, and you know what I am! "
"He hates me!!"
"I'm a horrible person, so why the hell are you even still here. "

"Because I love you."
"I love you so much Kat. "
"And Mido has only seen part of his memories he'll get the others back as well, and figure out how amazing you are."
"Because your my amazing explosive boyfriend and I'm not leaving any time soon. "
So get over here and hug me damn it."

Ei didn't have to ask twice, I practically flew in his arms knocking both of us down, luckily the floor is carpet.

"I'm sorry. "
"I'm so fucking sorry. "

I cried out.

"It's ok baby I got you. "
"It's gonna be ok. "

𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐕𝐢𝐞𝐰:

After both the blonde and red head had calmed down, kirishima decided to break the silence.

"I think you should see someone. "

"W-what? "

Bakugo sputtered out.

"I think you need to see a therapist. "

"Tch, I'm not fucking weak Ei. "

"I'm not saying you are. "
"People who go to thereby are the strongest people there are. "
"Because their brave enough to ask for help."

"Tsk.... fine. "

"Just don't tell anyone ok? "

"Or I'll kill ya! "

"Pff deal."

"I love you Kat. "

"I love you too stupid."

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