🦋Green tea🦋

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🦔Enjoy lol.


So I'm gonna die.
I mean I already know kacchan doesn't love me back.
And getting over him is probably a no go, and having surgery is a heck no I refuse to forget about kacchan.

So really my only option is death.

Tears started filling up in my eyes and I started to feel nauseous again, causing me to soon grab my trash can and throw up all over again.
And half of orange flowers.
My lungs felt like they were being restricted of it's oxygen, slowly.
But it was happening.

Come on Izuku.
Just breath.
It's ok, your gonna be ok.
Just breath.

*Knock knock*

Maybe it's recovery girl again I thought to myself.


"Hey nerd, open up already"!

I yelled quieter then usual.

"Oh uhh K-kacchan-"

I heard that damn nerd say before going into another coughing fit.

"Alright I guess I'm coming in".

I stated slamming the door against the wall upon opening it I saw deku on the bed sitting up with blood all on his hands and flower petals and half of flowers Surrounding him?
That's new, earlier it was just pedals.
Does that mean it's getting worst?

"Oi nerd what did recovery girl say?".

I asked showing more concern then I would of liked.

"How was school kacchan".

Deku asked, completely skipping over my question.

"Oi deku you didn't answer me?"

"Neither did you"

Deku eventually shot back after his coughing died down.

"Alright, it was boring as hell, but I did take those notes like I promised you".

I informed him, opening up my bag and handing him one of my use to be blank notebooks.
Deku's eyes sparkled with life as he snatches it from me

"T-thankyou k-kachan"!

He exclaimed excitedly.
That's the most excited he's been since yesterday.
What a nerd.

" Yeah, well don't mention it".

I grumbled accidentally allowing a smile to slip by my lips.

"But what you can mention is-"

*Knock Knock*

"Who the hell is it!"
I yelled annoyed that I was cut off.

"It's me karishima."

"Open up bakubro"

Shitty hair yelled.

I could just imagine that cute smile he was doing when saying that.
Wait cute?
Ah I'm going soft.

"arrr fine."

I replied quickly opening Deku's door.

"What ya want"?
I asked as soon as I saw his dumb cute face.

"I'm hear for Midoriya."
"You said he's sick and that he was-"

Shittyhair was cut off by Deku coughing and vomiting again.
I quickly ran over there along with shittyhair asking him if he's, alright.

All he did was put a thumbs-up.


Why, out of all people did it have to be these two showing up at my door??
I must really have the worst luck in the world.

My lungs and throat felt like they were on flames.
Can this just be over and done with already.

"I brought some green tea for you".

Karishima stated after my coughing had finally died now again.
He had a huge smile plastered on his face, and his Ruby eyes showed nothing but worry and care.
He really is a good guy.
I see why Kacchan likes him so much.

I quickly thanked him, trying my best to sport a smile, though it looked kinda wonky.

"Wow what's up with all these flowers?".

Karishima pondered.

Crap, what do I say?
I don't know how to explain this with out giving away the truth.

"He keeps coughing and throwing them up".

Kacchan responded.


I wined at him.

" Your not explaining shit to me and I've asked you the same damn question twice now and you still refuse to respond!"

Kacchan yelled.

I looked down feeling a little ashamed of my actions.
But I couldn't tell him not with out him asking who I liked.

"Come on Kat, give him a break. "
"He's not feeling well, you shouldn't be yelling at him. "
"it'll only stress him out more. "

Kirishima stated, looking directly at Kacchan.

Is that a new nickname or something??
Don't think about it, your coughing will only become worst.

"Well are ya gonna answer!?

" I can't "

I finally responded.

"And why the hell not?!"

"Because recovery girl didn't know what was going on! "

I shouted at him tears filling my eyes and shortly after my wheezing and coughing came back.

Kacchan and karishima just looked at each other then at me giving me a worry glance.

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